Columbus-CSP League

League Information
League Code USGACOL
Location Columbus, GA
Teams 5
Region Georgia
Parent League South Georgia
These Rankings reflect only League Meets. Visit a League Tournament's page to view Rankings that include its Qualification Matches.
Rank Team Ranking Points Tie Breaker 1 Tie Breaker 2 High Score Played Counted
1 12995 2,122 683 745 243 42 10
2 16585 1,071 398 285 131 42 10
3 16934 444 245 35 54 42 10
4 15500 383 30 295 47 36 10
5 10072 301 125 80 54 36 10
Code Name Location Date

Number Name From
16585 CSP AstroBots Columbus, GA, USA
16934 CSP Team Ecliptic Columbus, GA, USA
12995 SASH Monkey Wrench Robotics Peachtree City, GA, USA
15500 Pixelate Gold Columbus, GA, USA
10072 Pixelate Silver Columbus, GA, USA