Brattain League

League Information
League Code wa_brattai
Location Washington
Teams 13
Region Washington
Parent League Tesla
These Rankings reflect only League Meets. Visit a League Tournament's page to view Rankings that include its Qualification Matches.
Rank Team Ranking Points Tie Breaker 1 Tie Breaker 2 High Score Played Counted
1 14179 3,044 1,064 660 330 12 10
2 12547 2,915 776 745 378 12 10
3 16750 1,853 596 495 264 12 10
4 5971 1,841 437 550 211 12 10
5 6559 1,628 428 380 228 12 10
6 18544 1,416 524 490 159 12 10
7 8923 1,253 365 300 160 12 10
8 17487 635 197 300 91 12 10
9 11109 617 278 15 77 12 10
10 417 590 190 400 75 12 10
11 6220 569 380 125 89 12 10
12 15117 567 120 295 96 12 10
13 5953 150 0 0 32 12 10
Code Name Location Date
UAWABTM1 WA FTC Brattain League Meet #1 REMOTE Kent, WA, USA 3/31/21 - 4/6/21
UAWABTM2 WA FTC Brattain League Meet #2 REMOTE Kent, WA, USA 4/14/21 - 4/20/21
Number Name From
5953 Roarbotics Auburn, WA, USA
417 S.K.I.D. (Space Koalas In Disguise) Woodinville, WA, USA
11109 Pirate Tekerz Seattle, WA, USA
6220 DRIFT (Dinosaurs Racing in Food Trucks) Woodinville, WA, USA
5971 Brain Bots Battle Ground, WA, USA
14179 Sushi Squad Redmond, WA, USA
12547 Space Turtles Bellevue, WA, USA
17487 Newline Snoqualmie, WA, USA
15117 Olympic Dragons Port Townsend, WA, USA
8923 Perpetual Velocity Woodinville, WA, USA
18544 Robo Lightning Bellevue, WA, USA
16750 Technototes Bellevue, WA, USA
6559 Geared Reaction Camas, WA, USA