MN Cass Lake League League

League Information
League Code CassLake
Location St. Paul
Teams 13
Region Minnesota
Parent League Minnesota 2021 League Teams
These Rankings reflect only League Meets. Visit a League Tournament's page to view Rankings that include its Qualification Matches.
Rank Team Ranking Points Tie Breaker 1 Tie Breaker 2 High Score Played Counted
1 18555 1,083 238 568 173 15 10
2 18750 833 230 493 173 15 10
3 17008 816 180 493 104 15 10
4 18621 809 152 491 117 15 10
5 12660 783 200 460 134 15 10
6 11117 783 135 552 117 15 10
7 6708 757 182 453 101 15 10
8 9459 750 193 443 146 15 10
9 14931 669 88 426 104 15 10
10 18748 662 170 399 86 15 10
11 18749 657 119 452 100 15 10
12 7281 633 175 424 75 15 10
13 11270 544 96 346 106 15 10
Code Name Location Date
USMNSPM1 MN Cass Lake League Meet 1 St. Paul, MN, USA 10/28/21
USMNSPM2 MN Cass Lake League Meet 2 St. Paul, MN, USA 11/18/21
USMNSPM3 MN Cass Lake League Meet 3 St. Paul, MN, USA 12/9/21
Number Name From
18555 Unity High School TechSperts Saint Paul, MN, USA
18749 Electric Shock Columbia Heights, MN, USA
9459 Hephaestus Saint Paul, MN, USA
11270 Athena Saint Paul, MN, USA
7281 Cyber Knights Columbia Heights, MN, USA
18621 PioNerds White Saint Paul, MN, USA
18750 The Mechanical Wizards Columbia Heights, MN, USA
14931 PioNerds Black Saint Paul, MN, USA
18748 The Spicy Kiddos Columbia Heights, MN, USA
11117 Autonomice Saint Paul, MN, USA
6708 Sour Patch Kids Columbia Heights, MN, USA
17008 PioNerds Green Saint Paul, MN, USA
12660 Robotters Saint Paul, MN, USA