DoDEA Pacific League

League Information
League Code FE23
Location APO
Teams 10
Region Military and Diplomatic
These Rankings reflect only League Meets. Visit a League Tournament's page to view Rankings that include its Qualification Matches.
Rank Team Average RP Average TBP1 Average TBP2 High Score W-L-T Matches Played

League rankings are always averaged based on 10 matches, regardless of the number played.
Code Name Location Date
ONADODFE23LT DoDEA Pacific FTC Kadena, AP, USA 3/7/23 - 3/8/23
Number Name From
21670 Candyland APO, AP, USA
21838 KDHS Pride APO, AP, USA
21636 Eddie APO, AP, USA
21686 Samurai Robotics FPO, AP, USA
21638 21638 APO, AP, USA
21639 EJ King Middle High School APO, AP, USA
21641 Kinnick Red Devils APO, AP, USA
21637 MonkeyBot APO, AP, USA
21668 Toothless MK4 APO, AP, USA
21635 X Ash A - XII APO, AP, USA