Qualification 1
Sat 1/13 -
11:06 AM
4890 AArcHive |
10669 Clutch Squad |
24346 Sweet Resistance |
11450 Dickinson Rams |
Qualification 2
Sat 1/13 -
11:09 AM
12968 Bard RoboRaptors |
16903 Mini Ravens |
8405 Millburn Robotics |
13302 MKA Robotics |
Qualification 3
Sat 1/13 -
11:18 AM
19227 The Brearley Bots |
15484 Central High School |
19871 Orange Tornadoes |
23650 MillburnX |
Qualification 4
Sat 1/13 -
11:24 AM
3774 Hive Voltage |
5573 Payne In The Bot |
16557 Honey K-Ohms |
4102 CHS Cougars |
Qualification 5
Sat 1/13 -
11:29 AM
11180 Beaks n Bolts |
10785 Highlanders |
12116 Redbots |
10343 WR Positive Charge |
Qualification 6
Sat 1/13 -
11:33 AM
12875 Snyder High School Robotics |
8405 Millburn Robotics |
5968 WR That Hertz |
7959 Cougar Cubs |
Qualification 7
Sat 1/13 -
11:38 AM
23650 MillburnX |
13302 MKA Robotics |
4890 AArcHive |
3774 Hive Voltage |
Qualification 8
Sat 1/13 -
11:43 AM
10785 Highlanders |
16557 Honey K-Ohms |
24346 Sweet Resistance |
16903 Mini Ravens |
Qualification 9
Sat 1/13 -
11:48 AM
7959 Cougar Cubs |
5573 Payne In The Bot |
11450 Dickinson Rams |
12968 Bard RoboRaptors |
Qualification 10
Sat 1/13 -
11:53 AM
15484 Central High School |
12875 Snyder High School Robotics |
10669 Clutch Squad |
12116 Redbots |
Qualification 11
Sat 1/13 -
12:49 PM
10343 WR Positive Charge |
4102 CHS Cougars |
5968 WR That Hertz |
19871 Orange Tornadoes |
Qualification 12
Sat 1/13 -
12:52 PM
19227 The Brearley Bots |
4890 AArcHive |
11180 Beaks n Bolts |
16557 Honey K-Ohms |
Qualification 13
Sat 1/13 -
12:58 PM
10669 Clutch Squad |
16903 Mini Ravens |
12116 Redbots |
3774 Hive Voltage |
Qualification 14
Sat 1/13 -
1:03 PM
24346 Sweet Resistance |
8405 Millburn Robotics |
10343 WR Positive Charge |
15484 Central High School |
Qualification 15
Sat 1/13 -
1:08 PM
23650 MillburnX |
5968 WR That Hertz |
5573 Payne In The Bot |
10785 Highlanders |
Qualification 16
Sat 1/13 -
1:12 PM
4102 CHS Cougars |
12968 Bard RoboRaptors |
12875 Snyder High School Robotics |
19227 The Brearley Bots |
Qualification 17
Sat 1/13 -
1:18 PM
7959 Cougar Cubs |
19871 Orange Tornadoes |
13302 MKA Robotics |
11180 Beaks n Bolts |
Qualification 18
Sat 1/13 -
1:23 PM
11450 Dickinson Rams |
12116 Redbots |
16557 Honey K-Ohms |
23650 MillburnX |
Qualification 19
Sat 1/13 -
1:27 PM
10669 Clutch Squad |
8405 Millburn Robotics |
10785 Highlanders |
19227 The Brearley Bots |
Qualification 20
Sat 1/13 -
1:31 PM
16903 Mini Ravens |
7959 Cougar Cubs |
4102 CHS Cougars |
4890 AArcHive |
Qualification 21
Sat 1/13 -
1:36 PM
5573 Payne In The Bot |
10343 WR Positive Charge |
13302 MKA Robotics |
12875 Snyder High School Robotics |
Qualification 22
Sat 1/13 -
1:41 PM
19871 Orange Tornadoes |
24346 Sweet Resistance |
3774 Hive Voltage |
12968 Bard RoboRaptors |
Qualification 23
Sat 1/13 -
1:46 PM
11450 Dickinson Rams |
5968 WR That Hertz |
15484 Central High School |
11180 Beaks n Bolts |
Qualification 24
Sat 1/13 -
1:51 PM
8405 Millburn Robotics |
12116 Redbots |
4890 AArcHive |
5573 Payne In The Bot |
Qualification 25
Sat 1/13 -
1:59 PM
16557 Honey K-Ohms |
10343 WR Positive Charge |
12968 Bard RoboRaptors |
10669 Clutch Squad |
Qualification 26
Sat 1/13 -
2:04 PM
15484 Central High School |
3774 Hive Voltage |
10785 Highlanders |
7959 Cougar Cubs |
Qualification 27
Sat 1/13 -
2:08 PM
19871 Orange Tornadoes |
11450 Dickinson Rams |
16903 Mini Ravens |
12875 Snyder High School Robotics |
Qualification 28
Sat 1/13 -
2:13 PM
13302 MKA Robotics |
24346 Sweet Resistance |
19227 The Brearley Bots |
5968 WR That Hertz |
Qualification 29
Sat 1/13 -
2:18 PM
11180 Beaks n Bolts |
4102 CHS Cougars |
23650 MillburnX |
10669 Clutch Squad |