Albany-Commodore League

League Information
League Code ALB
Location Albany
Teams 8
Region Georgia
Parent League South Region League
These Rankings reflect only League Meets. Visit a League Tournament's page to view Rankings that include its Qualification Matches.
Average RP
Average TBP1
Average TBP2
High Score
Matches Played
1 14393 2.00 27.40 30.50 102 10-0-0 20
2 16436 1.80 11.90 14.50 92 9-1-0 15
3 15522 1.80 10.40 10.50 83 9-1-0 20
4 17333 1.40 15.60 24.00 88 7-3-0 20
5 20309 1.40 11.20 12.50 85 7-3-0 20
6 6988 1.20 8.70 15.00 88 6-4-0 10
7 8433 1.00 6.80 16.50 108 5-5-0 10
8 5979 0.40 3.30 7.50 82 2-8-0 10

League rankings are always averaged based on 10 matches, regardless of the number played.
Code Name Location Date
USGAALBM1 GA Albany-Commodore Meet-1 Albany, GA, USA 11/4/23
USGAALBM2 GA Albany-Commodore Meet-2 Albany, GA, USA 11/18/23
USGAALBM3 GA Albany-Commodore Meet-3 Albany, GA, USA 12/2/23
USGAALBM4 GA Albany-Commodore Meet-4 Albany, GA, USA 12/2/23
Number Name From
17333 MAMS Brave Bots Albany, GA, USA
5979 CyberStingers Blue Thomasville, GA, USA
16436 G.L.A.M Squad Albany, GA, USA
8433 CyberStingers Green Thomasville, GA, USA
15522 RoboElite Albany, GA, USA
6988 CyberStingers Gold Thomasville, GA, USA
20309 RK24 Albany, GA, USA
14393 Packer Robotics Norman Park, GA, USA