Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the Charlottesville Qualifying Tournament can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Event Code 2019VAQ4
Dates Event Complete (Week 17 since kickoff)
Saturday, January 4 to Saturday, 04 January 2020
Venue University of Virginia-Slaughter Recreation Hall
505 Edgemont Drive
Charlottesville, VA USA
Region Virginia
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below. In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
Match Participants 25
Number Name
519 Epsilon Delta Too
2898 The BaronBots
3668 3668 Smokey Junior
4634 FROGbots - Purple
4970 Loose Screws
5086 Tutu Turtles
6158 Spartabots
6522 Neon Drones
7182 Mechanical Paradox
7346 Mustachio Peanuts
7729 Seahawks Robotics
8535 InSpider
8630 Sparky Jr.
9202 Her Majesty's Engineers
10357 Volt-e-mort
12747 Lancaster Circuit Breakers
13621 Cable Management
14616 Techno Rats
15314 15π
16809 Tech Tigers
16861 Spaced Out
17160 FROGbots - Green
17196 Epsilon Delta, Also
17774 Monroe Robotics
17824 Tabb Tigers 1
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