Hopper League

League Information
League Code wa_hopper
Location Washington
Teams 12
Region Washington
Parent League Curie
These Rankings reflect only League Meets. Visit a League Tournament's page to view Rankings that include its Qualification Matches.
Rank Team Ranking Points Tie Breaker 1 Tie Breaker 2 High Score Played Counted
1 12611 3,348 1,040 700 378 12 10
2 11138 1,849 515 550 228 12 10
3 18670 1,629 509 530 187 12 10
4 4042 1,232 584 310 201 12 10
5 7935 1,183 387 360 165 12 10
6 6128 1,146 270 300 140 12 10
7 14246 856 40 310 136 12 10
8 7198 621 179 400 72 12 10
9 18250 127 95 30 25 12 10
10 16942 0 0 0 0 12 10
11 12005 0 0 0 0 12 10
12 17610 0 0 0 0 12 10
Code Name Location Date
USWAHOM1 WA FTC Hopper League Meet #1 REMOTE Kent, WA, USA 3/31/21 - 4/6/21
USWAHOM2 WA FTC Hopper League Meet #2 REMOTE Kent, WA, USA 4/14/21 - 4/20/21
Number Name From
14246 Robotrons Bothell, WA, USA
7198 Mechanical Minks Anacortes, WA, USA
12611 TechNova Bellevue, WA, USA
18250 0ut of charge! Redmond, WA, USA
16942 Minutemen Renton, WA, USA
4042 Nonstandard Deviation Seattle, WA, USA
11138 Robo Eclipse Bellevue, WA, USA
12005 GPrep Lightning Spokane, WA, USA
17610 OCEAN FTC Port Townsend, WA, USA
7935 The Dragons 2.0 Spokane, WA, USA
18670 Waterdrops Medina, WA, USA
6128 The Dragons 1.0 Spokane, WA, USA