Team 17728 - BrainMachine (2020)

From: Catalão, GO, Brazil
Region: Brazil
Rookie Year: 2019

2020 Sponsors: CMOC Brasil/Suzuki Automotores do Brasil/HPE Automotores/BW&P/PRC/Mitsubishi Motors/Bosch/Aluminaço/Churrascaria e Restaurante Canaã/Real Borrachas/Sacoplastic Embalagens/Bola 8 Bar e Petiscaria/Glória Confecções/Mundial Ferragens/Mafran Autopeças Agrícolas/Entelcom Materiais elétricos/Vitória Kemily Makeup/Continental/Marcenaria Escala/ReiMaq Manutenção de Máquinas/SEMMAC secretaria municipal do meio ambiente de catalão/Empório Disque Bebidas/GPR Gráfica & Visual/Super Loja do Tchê/Vieira Marketing/O Pratão/Vereadora Silvinha/Rádio Nova Liberdade/Edgás/Mundial Máquinas Agrícolas/Marinete Beleza e Bem-Estar/Fernanda Fotógrafa/Instituto Alpha/Casa do pastel/Pizzaria Sabor nas bordas/Supermercado Bom Sucesso/WGO/Instituto João Margon Vaz/Casa do Frango/Salgadinhos do Marlin/Welding Mecânica do Senai/Heitor Psicology/Fazenda São Jorge/Rádio Super Pan/Pão crocante/Mecânica Industrial/Agropesca/Copel serviços/Concretal engenharia/Nostra Casa Pizzaria/Rádio Cidade&SESI SENAI Catalão

This tab displays only official events that Team 17728 attended in 2020.

BR FTC Championship Tournament REMOTE

  June 06 to June 12, 2021

Qualification Matches View Qualifications Event Page
Rank: 4 of 35
Match Teams Autonomous Penalties Score
20 0 143
20 0 105
44 0 132
20 0 130
56 30 57
20 0 108
Playoff Matches
Team 17728 did not appear in, or there were not, any Playoff Matches at this Event

BR FTC Championship Tournament REMOTE

  June 06 to June 12, 2021

Qualification Matches View Qualifications Event Page
Rank: 4 of 35
Match Teams Autonomous Penalties Score
20 0 143
20 0 105
44 0 132
20 0 130
56 30 57
20 0 108
Playoff Matches
Team 17728 did not appear in, or there were not, any Playoff Matches at this Event