Qualification 1
Sat 1/22 -
9:39 AM
16631 The Phantoms |
17005 SAE Dragonbots |
16282 Cristo Rey Flames I - Kingsfield |
14471 [redacted] |
Qualification 2
Sat 1/22 -
9:43 AM
16346 Walker - The Endgamers |
4232 Global Dynamics "Plasma" |
14100 High Voltage |
14821 Team Rocket |
Qualification 3
Sat 1/22 -
9:50 AM
18553 Samantha |
14101 The Thunderbirds |
14468 Cup of Joe |
12687 Robusters |
Qualification 4
Sat 1/22 -
9:55 AM
19998 Cristo Rey Flames/Delta CU |
18556 Team Olaf |
15290 RoboKnights 15290 |
Qualification 5
Sat 1/22 -
10:01 AM
16632 Pirates of the Bots |
12694 Toy Yoda |
18557 The Robo Duckies |
22 100 Scholars |
Qualification 6
Sat 1/22 -
10:07 AM
14470 Cascade Robotics |
15156 KOI |
525 Success |
6989 Spartans |
Qualification 7
Sat 1/22 -
10:12 AM
112 RoboKnights Team 112 |
16906 Cristo Rey Flames II - Kingsfield |
18554 The Pink Pig |
16633 Bots in Black |
Qualification 8
Sat 1/22 -
10:17 AM
14116 Walker - Information Overload |
16345 Walker - Uncommon Sense |
12689 Rotae Ignis |
14468 Cup of Joe |
Qualification 9
Sat 1/22 -
10:21 AM
14100 High Voltage |
16632 Pirates of the Bots |
17005 SAE Dragonbots |
18553 Samantha |
Qualification 10
Sat 1/22 -
10:29 AM
112 RoboKnights Team 112 |
525 Success |
14471 [redacted] |
18557 The Robo Duckies |
Qualification 11
Sat 1/22 -
10:33 AM
16906 Cristo Rey Flames II - Kingsfield |
15290 RoboKnights 15290 |
16346 Walker - The Endgamers |
14470 Cascade Robotics |
Qualification 12
Sat 1/22 -
10:39 AM
19998 Cristo Rey Flames/Delta CU |
14821 Team Rocket |
16633 Bots in Black |
14116 Walker - Information Overload |
Qualification 13
Sat 1/22 -
10:48 AM
15156 KOI |
12694 Toy Yoda |
16282 Cristo Rey Flames I - Kingsfield |
18556 Team Olaf |
Qualification 14
Sat 1/22 -
10:52 AM
6989 Spartans |
12687 Robusters |
12689 Rotae Ignis |
Qualification 15
Sat 1/22 -
10:57 AM
16631 The Phantoms |
22 100 Scholars |
4232 Global Dynamics "Plasma" |
18554 The Pink Pig |
Qualification 16
Sat 1/22 -
11:05 AM
16345 Walker - Uncommon Sense |
18556 Team Olaf |
14101 The Thunderbirds |
14821 Team Rocket |
Qualification 17
Sat 1/22 -
11:08 AM
14100 High Voltage |
14116 Walker - Information Overload |
16906 Cristo Rey Flames II - Kingsfield |
Qualification 18
Sat 1/22 -
11:18 AM
14471 [redacted] |
15290 RoboKnights 15290 |
14468 Cup of Joe |
18554 The Pink Pig |
Qualification 19
Sat 1/22 -
11:21 AM
16632 Pirates of the Bots |
6989 Spartans |
16345 Walker - Uncommon Sense |
19998 Cristo Rey Flames/Delta CU |
Qualification 20
Sat 1/22 -
11:31 AM
18557 The Robo Duckies |
16282 Cristo Rey Flames I - Kingsfield |
4232 Global Dynamics "Plasma" |
14470 Cascade Robotics |
Qualification 21
Sat 1/22 -
11:36 AM
22 100 Scholars |
12687 Robusters |
17005 SAE Dragonbots |
16346 Walker - The Endgamers |
Qualification 22
Sat 1/22 -
11:43 AM
16633 Bots in Black |
12689 Rotae Ignis |
12694 Toy Yoda |
525 Success |
Qualification 23
Sat 1/22 -
11:48 AM
15156 KOI |
18553 Samantha |
16631 The Phantoms |
112 RoboKnights Team 112 |
Qualification 24
Sat 1/22 -
11:53 AM
14101 The Thunderbirds |
18554 The Pink Pig |
14470 Cascade Robotics |
14100 High Voltage |
Qualification 25
Sat 1/22 -
12:00 PM
16906 Cristo Rey Flames II - Kingsfield |
14468 Cup of Joe |
12694 Toy Yoda |
17005 SAE Dragonbots |
Qualification 26
Sat 1/22 -
12:40 PM
18553 Samantha |
4232 Global Dynamics "Plasma" |
16633 Bots in Black |
Qualification 27
Sat 1/22 -
12:43 PM
12687 Robusters |
14471 [redacted] |
18556 Team Olaf |
14116 Walker - Information Overload |
Qualification 28
Sat 1/22 -
12:54 PM
6989 Spartans |
14101 The Thunderbirds |
15290 RoboKnights 15290 |
112 RoboKnights Team 112 |
Qualification 29
Sat 1/22 -
12:58 PM
16346 Walker - The Endgamers |
18557 The Robo Duckies |
16345 Walker - Uncommon Sense |
15156 KOI |
Qualification 30
Sat 1/22 -
1:04 PM
525 Success |
19998 Cristo Rey Flames/Delta CU |
22 100 Scholars |
16282 Cristo Rey Flames I - Kingsfield |
Qualification 31
Sat 1/22 -
1:08 PM
14821 Team Rocket |
12689 Rotae Ignis |
16632 Pirates of the Bots |
16631 The Phantoms |
Qualification 32
Sat 1/22 -
1:11 PM
14116 Walker - Information Overload |
4232 Global Dynamics "Plasma" |
15156 KOI |
14101 The Thunderbirds |
Qualification 33
Sat 1/22 -
1:17 PM
18554 The Pink Pig |
12687 Robusters |
12694 Toy Yoda |
19998 Cristo Rey Flames/Delta CU |
Qualification 34
Sat 1/22 -
1:20 PM
16906 Cristo Rey Flames II - Kingsfield |
525 Success |
14821 Team Rocket |
18553 Samantha |
Qualification 35
Sat 1/22 -
1:27 PM
18557 The Robo Duckies |
17005 SAE Dragonbots |
12689 Rotae Ignis |
15290 RoboKnights 15290 |
Qualification 36
Sat 1/22 -
1:31 PM
14471 [redacted] |
22 100 Scholars |
16345 Walker - Uncommon Sense |
Qualification 37
Sat 1/22 -
1:35 PM
14468 Cup of Joe |
14100 High Voltage |
6989 Spartans |
16631 The Phantoms |
Qualification 38
Sat 1/22 -
1:39 PM
14470 Cascade Robotics |
16633 Bots in Black |
18556 Team Olaf |
16632 Pirates of the Bots |
Qualification 39
Sat 1/22 -
1:44 PM
16282 Cristo Rey Flames I - Kingsfield |
16346 Walker - The Endgamers |
112 RoboKnights Team 112 |