Qualification 1
Sat 2/26 -
10:28 AM
19414 Buck Nation1 |
19754 Mav Robotics |
10021 The Red Legion |
17621 Sea Dawgs |
Qualification 2
Sat 2/26 -
10:34 AM
13900 Iron Horses |
208 The Highlighters |
772 Golden Govies |
3641 PPS Robotics |
Qualification 3
Sat 2/26 -
10:40 AM
18069 Java Dragons |
18984 Hurricanes505 |
18308 'RocketForge'- Midlands STEMbotics FTC #1 |
16126 Pientists |
Qualification 4
Sat 2/26 -
10:47 AM
12517 Robo-Zombies |
15296 Mighty Trojans |
20312 Cobra Robotic 21-22 |
673 Subatomic Tomahawks |
Qualification 5
Sat 2/26 -
10:55 AM
7021 RoboEagles |
11444 Garnet Squadron |
13661 Cygons (Cyborg Dragons) |
11841 STEAM Punks |
Qualification 6
Sat 2/26 -
11:01 AM
13196 Beaufort Academy Robotics |
20762 Heathwood Hall Robotics |
753 The GreenVillains |
11454 Penguineers |
Qualification 7
Sat 2/26 -
11:07 AM
15773 Robodogs |
327 The Lobotomists |
9121 Falcon Force |
19707 NanoHawks |
Qualification 8
Sat 2/26 -
11:12 AM
20312 Cobra Robotic 21-22 |
19414 Buck Nation1 |
16126 Pientists |
11444 Garnet Squadron |
Qualification 9
Sat 2/26 -
11:18 AM
20762 Heathwood Hall Robotics |
18308 'RocketForge'- Midlands STEMbotics FTC #1 |
13900 Iron Horses |
17621 Sea Dawgs |
Qualification 10
Sat 2/26 -
11:26 AM
3641 PPS Robotics |
12517 Robo-Zombies |
753 The GreenVillains |
7021 RoboEagles |
Qualification 11
Sat 2/26 -
11:32 AM
10021 The Red Legion |
673 Subatomic Tomahawks |
19707 NanoHawks |
208 The Highlighters |
Qualification 12
Sat 2/26 -
11:38 AM
327 The Lobotomists |
11454 Penguineers |
18069 Java Dragons |
13661 Cygons (Cyborg Dragons) |
Qualification 13
Sat 2/26 -
11:44 AM
9121 Falcon Force |
18984 Hurricanes505 |
11841 STEAM Punks |
19754 Mav Robotics |
Qualification 14
Sat 2/26 -
11:51 AM
15773 Robodogs |
772 Golden Govies |
15296 Mighty Trojans |
13196 Beaufort Academy Robotics |
Qualification 15
Sat 2/26 -
11:55 AM
673 Subatomic Tomahawks |
20762 Heathwood Hall Robotics |
327 The Lobotomists |
19414 Buck Nation1 |
Qualification 16
Sat 2/26 -
12:54 PM
13661 Cygons (Cyborg Dragons) |
753 The GreenVillains |
13900 Iron Horses |
20312 Cobra Robotic 21-22 |
Qualification 17
Sat 2/26 -
1:00 PM
11841 STEAM Punks |
15773 Robodogs |
10021 The Red Legion |
18308 'RocketForge'- Midlands STEMbotics FTC #1 |
Qualification 18
Sat 2/26 -
1:05 PM
7021 RoboEagles |
13196 Beaufort Academy Robotics |
208 The Highlighters |
9121 Falcon Force |
Qualification 19
Sat 2/26 -
1:11 PM
19754 Mav Robotics |
19707 NanoHawks |
18069 Java Dragons |
3641 PPS Robotics |
Qualification 20
Sat 2/26 -
1:17 PM
17621 Sea Dawgs |
772 Golden Govies |
12517 Robo-Zombies |
16126 Pientists |
Qualification 21
Sat 2/26 -
1:24 PM
18984 Hurricanes505 |
15296 Mighty Trojans |
11454 Penguineers |
11444 Garnet Squadron |
Qualification 22
Sat 2/26 -
1:30 PM
3641 PPS Robotics |
10021 The Red Legion |
13196 Beaufort Academy Robotics |
13661 Cygons (Cyborg Dragons) |
Qualification 23
Sat 2/26 -
1:37 PM
9121 Falcon Force |
753 The GreenVillains |
16126 Pientists |
673 Subatomic Tomahawks |
Qualification 24
Sat 2/26 -
1:45 PM
772 Golden Govies |
18069 Java Dragons |
11444 Garnet Squadron |
20762 Heathwood Hall Robotics |
Qualification 25
Sat 2/26 -
1:51 PM
19707 NanoHawks |
11841 STEAM Punks |
15296 Mighty Trojans |
17621 Sea Dawgs |
Qualification 26
Sat 2/26 -
1:58 PM
18308 'RocketForge'- Midlands STEMbotics FTC #1 |
7021 RoboEagles |
327 The Lobotomists |
20312 Cobra Robotic 21-22 |
Qualification 27
Sat 2/26 -
2:03 PM
11454 Penguineers |
19754 Mav Robotics |
208 The Highlighters |
12517 Robo-Zombies |
Qualification 28
Sat 2/26 -
2:09 PM
18984 Hurricanes505 |
19414 Buck Nation1 |
15773 Robodogs |
13900 Iron Horses |
Qualification 29
Sat 2/26 -
2:16 PM
18308 'RocketForge'- Midlands STEMbotics FTC #1 |
13661 Cygons (Cyborg Dragons) |
772 Golden Govies |
9121 Falcon Force |
Qualification 30
Sat 2/26 -
2:21 PM
3641 PPS Robotics |
20312 Cobra Robotic 21-22 |
20762 Heathwood Hall Robotics |
11841 STEAM Punks |
Qualification 31
Sat 2/26 -
2:26 PM
17621 Sea Dawgs |
11454 Penguineers |
673 Subatomic Tomahawks |
15773 Robodogs |
Qualification 32
Sat 2/26 -
2:31 PM
208 The Highlighters |
15296 Mighty Trojans |
19414 Buck Nation1 |
18069 Java Dragons |
Qualification 33
Sat 2/26 -
2:39 PM
16126 Pientists |
13900 Iron Horses |
7021 RoboEagles |
10021 The Red Legion |
Qualification 34
Sat 2/26 -
2:45 PM
19707 NanoHawks |
13196 Beaufort Academy Robotics |
18984 Hurricanes505 |
12517 Robo-Zombies |
Qualification 35
Sat 2/26 -
2:53 PM
11444 Garnet Squadron |
327 The Lobotomists |
19754 Mav Robotics |
753 The GreenVillains |