South Central League League

League Information
League Code scl
Location SC Indiana
Teams 16
Region Indiana
Parent League Indiana State
These Rankings reflect only League Meets. Visit a League Tournament's page to view Rankings that include its Qualification Matches.
Ranking Points
Tie Breaker 1
Tie Breaker 2
High Score
1 15455 1,512 376 684 194 15 10
2 3537 1,197 312 542 194 15 10
3 14954 1,134 204 711 149 15 10
4 8791 975 227 470 194 10 10
5 11959 924 174 574 141 15 10
6 8578 883 187 429 131 15 10
7 8435 747 102 481 86 15 10
8 13246 738 169 411 154 15 10
9 19864 700 136 392 140 10 10
10 10293 633 161 378 124 10 10
11 10455 597 132 413 149 10 10
12 8149 549 143 395 98 10 10
13 13295 519 151 412 127 10 10
14 8793 516 116 243 178 10 10
15 19854 284 36 230 115 5 5
16 19035 0 0 0 0 0 0
USINGRM1 IN South Central Meet 1 Greenwood, IN, USA 12/4/21
USINGRM3 IN South Central Meet 3 Greenwood, IN, USA 1/8/22
USINGRM4 IN South Central Meet 4 Greenwood, IN, USA 1/22/22
3537 The MechaHamsters Greenwood, IN, USA
8149 Red Alert: Panic in the Build Room Greenwood, IN, USA
8435 KnightBots Indianapolis, IN, USA
8578 Juden-Ki Robotics Columbus, IN, USA
8791 Green Machine Greenwood, IN, USA
8793 Wired Woodmen Greenwood, IN, USA
10293 Steel Wings Indianapolis, IN, USA
10455 Optimum Blue Indianapolis, IN, USA
11959 Kernel Panic Columbus, IN, USA
13246 CyberCards Steel Beaks Indianapolis, IN, USA
13295 Red Alert: Disaster Management Greenwood, IN, USA
14954 Roborioles Avon, IN, USA
15455 The Classy Roborioles Avon, IN, USA
19035 Riverside Riverbotz Indianapolis, IN, USA
19854 Monkey Wrench New Palestine, IN, USA
19864 Conductors Indianapolis, IN, USA