Northern Nevada FTC League

League Information
League Code NN
Location Northern Nevada
Teams 17
Region Nevada
These Rankings reflect only League Meets. Visit a League Tournament's page to view Rankings that include its Qualification Matches.
Rank Team Ranking Points Tie Breaker 1 Tie Breaker 2 High Score Played Counted
1 16158 1,108 213 634 135 20 10
2 13632 948 209 589 135 20 10
3 11183 866 153 593 107 20 10
4 18203 858 145 573 112 20 10
5 20285 825 173 572 109 15 10
6 11574 818 169 594 106 15 10
7 20681 732 63 561 106 15 10
8 15903 706 155 408 133 15 10
9 9507 616 40 485 92 20 10
10 13799 607 73 498 75 20 10
11 16118 508 91 311 101 15 10
12 18959 506 59 381 89 15 10
13 20948 265 52 193 83 5 5
14 16779 209 26 168 72 5 5
15 4992 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 18419 0 0 0 0 0 0
17 19449 0 0 0 0 0 0
Code Name Location Date
USNVNNM1 NV Northern League Meet # 1N Reno, NV, USA 11/17/21
USNVNNM2 NV Northern League Meet # 2N Reno, NV, USA 12/8/21
USNVNNM3 NV Northern League Meet # 3N Reno, NV, USA 1/26/22
USNVNNM4 NV Northern League Meet # 4N Virginia City, NV, USA 2/5/22
USNVNNLT1 NV Northern League Tournament Reno, NV, USA 2/18/22 - 2/19/22
Number Name From
20285 Truckee Robotics Truckee, CA, USA
15903 T.N.T. Tech Nerd Team Yerington, NV, USA
9507 Rubber Ducks Reedbotics Sparks, NV, USA
11574 Incognito Reno, NV, USA
20681 Giga Bite South Lake Tahoe, CA, USA
20948 Hug HS Reno, NV, USA
4992 Metal Falcons Reno, NV, USA
18203 MCII Mammoth Lakes, CA, USA
19449 Tech Challenge 1- Name TBA Truckee, CA, USA
13632 Ursa Major Reno, NV, USA
18959 North Valleys High School RoboPanthers Reno, NV, USA
16779 Robo Archers Sparks, NV, USA
11183 32 Bit - McQueen High School Reno, NV, USA
16158 VC Silver Circuits Virginia City, NV, USA
18419 VCMS1 Virginia City, NV, USA
16118 52! McQueen HS Reno, NV, USA
13799 Constant Voltage Reno, NV, USA