Agnesi League

League Information
League Code wa_agnesi
Teams 10
Region Washington
These Rankings reflect only League Meets. Visit a League Tournament's page to view Rankings that include its Qualification Matches.
Ranking Points
Tie Breaker 1
Tie Breaker 2
High Score
1 13601 656 140 498 87 12 10
2 16864 604 90 504 74 12 10
3 19834 468 120 234 92 12 10
4 11990 443 180 193 70 12 10
5 18249 271 0 223 60 12 10
6 17103 235 60 157 31 12 10
7 8099 224 52 160 44 12 10
8 15010 221 75 136 29 12 10
9 20093 170 55 121 26 12 10
10 18215 0 0 0 0 6 6
USWAREM1 WA Agnesi League Meet #1 Remote Event, WA, USA 11/10/21 - 11/16/21
USWAREM2 WA Agnesi League Meet #2 Remote Event, WA, USA 12/8/21 - 12/14/21
USWARELT2 WA Agnesi Interleague Tournament Remote Event, WA, USA 1/10/22 - 1/15/22
8099 Hanford Falcons Richland, WA, USA
11990 Run_Kano Kennewick, WA, USA
13601 BeaverBots Woodland, WA, USA
15010 RHS Bombers Richland, WA, USA
16864 Evergreen FTC Everett, WA, USA
17103 Falcon Gold Richland, WA, USA
18215 FTC Tri-Cities Spokane, WA, USA
18249 RHS Robotics Richland, WA, USA
19834 N.E.R.D.S. Cybernetic Narwhals Everett, WA, USA
20093 Falcon Flight Richland, WA, USA