Inspire Award
22740 |
Bot Bot
Laces Magnet School |
Inspire Award 2nd Place
14863 |
Girls Academic Leadership Academy |
Inspire Award 3rd Place
21936 |
Family/Community |
Winning Alliance - Captain
21936 |
Family/Community |
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
9887 |
CyberDragons Buttercup
Neuro-AI, LLC/UPS/Panasonic/John Adams Middle School/CyberDragons Team Parents & Family/Community |
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
22030 |
Laces Magnet School |
Finalist Alliance - Captain
20799 |
CyberDragons Westley
Family/Community |
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
22740 |
Bot Bot
Laces Magnet School |
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
16795 |
Girls Academic Ldrshp Academy |
Think Award
14863 |
Girls Academic Leadership Academy |
Think Award 2nd Place
22498 |
Robo Lions
Fairfax High School |
Think Award 3rd Place
21936 |
Family/Community |
Connect Award
22472 |
Mighty Bugs
Laces Magnet School |
Connect Award 2nd Place
22740 |
Bot Bot
Laces Magnet School |
Connect Award 3rd Place
17176 |
Fax Machine
Fairfax High School |
Innovate Award sponsored by RTX
13281 |
Milken Community Middle School |
Innovate Award sponsored by RTX 2nd Place
22676 |
University High School Charter |
Innovate Award sponsored by RTX 3rd Place
9887 |
CyberDragons Buttercup
Neuro-AI, LLC/UPS/Panasonic/John Adams Middle School/CyberDragons Team Parents & Family/Community |
Control Award
21936 |
Family/Community |
Control Award 2nd Place
16795 |
Girls Academic Ldrshp Academy |
Control Award 3rd Place
22740 |
Bot Bot
Laces Magnet School |
Motivate Award
22082 |
Girls Academic Ldrshp Academy |
Motivate Award 2nd Place
5325 |
The Muses
Archer School for Girls |
Motivate Award 3rd Place
16321 |
X Drive
ftc-scout:2xyz8&Crossroads Sch Arts Sciences |
Design Award
22030 |
Laces Magnet School |
Design Award 2nd Place
19198 |
Crossroads Sch Arts Sciences |
Design Award 3rd Place
5325 |
The Muses
Archer School for Girls |
Promote Award
22740 |
Bot Bot
Laces Magnet School |
Promote Award 2nd Place
9887 |
CyberDragons Buttercup
Neuro-AI, LLC/UPS/Panasonic/John Adams Middle School/CyberDragons Team Parents & Family/Community |
Promote Award 3rd Place
20799 |
CyberDragons Westley
Family/Community |
Compass Award
5325 |
Mike Carter The Muses
Compass Award 2nd Place
14863 |
John Landa RGB
Judges' Choice Award
23895 |
Robolions 2
Fairfax High School |
Dean's List Semi-Finalists
22472 |
Sidney Trasler Mighty Bugs
Dean's List Semi-Finalists
22030 |
Dylan Dharwadkar RobTot
Dean's List Semi-Finalists
22030 |
Andrew Kang RobTot
Dean's List Semi-Finalists
22740 |
Angelina Chow Bot Bot
Dean's List Semi-Finalists
22740 |
Micah Shwartz Bot Bot
Dean's List Semi-Finalists
21936 |
Brandon Kirbyson SaMoTech
Dean's List Semi-Finalists
14863 |
Luz Aguilar RGB
Dean's List Semi-Finalists
14863 |
Sonja Livingston-Hall RGB
Dean's List Semi-Finalists
22082 |
Gretchen Grant Ziptide
Dean's List Semi-Finalists
22082 |
Helen Moyer Ziptide
Dean's List Semi-Finalists
16795 |
Helena Ames Galaxy
Dean's List Semi-Finalists
16795 |
Jensyne Rei Estanislao Galaxy