Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the MI Pellston FTC Qualifier can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Event Code USMIPEQ
Dates Event Complete (Week 12 since kickoff)
Friday, December 1 to Saturday, 02 December 2023
Venue Pellston Middle High School
172 N. Park Street
Pellston, MI USA
Region Michigan - FiM
Website https://firstinmichigan.us/FTC/events/
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below. In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
Match Participants 36
5411 G3 Geeks, Gears, and Gadgets Green
5618 Control Freaks RED
6494 Control Freaks WHITE
7043 Golden Gears
7643 Tungsten Tigers
8580 Oakview CyberDragons
8621 G3: Geeks, Gears & Gadgets Blue
9020 iCreek
10062 Robogators
10309 Jefferson TechnoHuskies
10474 Artificial Intellegence
10477 Rapid Robots
10601 CBA RoboKings
10723 SnowBots Blue
10805 MicroCreek
11129 Novi Robotitans
11276 Techno Toads
11861 Yooper Troopers
11940 Cyber Coyotes
12603 Jefferson Wired Wolves
13284 SnowBots Silver
14040 Concord Academy Petoskey Bot O' CAPs
14951 Control Freaks BLACK
15270 SnowBots Red
15814 Metal Makers
16957 Junior Wolverine Circuit Breakers
20159 All Saints Angels
20246 Forest Spirits
20247 MAZE
20248 Got Milk
20881 Lake City Bionic Trojans
22091 Crypto Coyotes
23410 TC Titans - Apollo
23411 TC Titans - Artemis
23445 Furious Frogs
24654 TWH INC.
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