Inspire Award
24513 |
Phillips Exeter Academy |
Inspire Award 2nd Place
15534 |
Phillips Exeter Academy |
Inspire Award 3rd Place
24353 |
Super Box
Family/Community |
Winning Alliance - Captain
15534 |
Phillips Exeter Academy |
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
21689 |
Team Tesseract
Academy for Science & Design |
Finalist Alliance - Captain
24488 |
The Stingers
Family/Community |
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
12622 |
Red Spark Alpha
Ross a Lurgio Middle School |
Think Award
24018 |
Family/Community |
Think Award 2nd Place
15534 |
Phillips Exeter Academy |
Think Award 3rd Place
24353 |
Super Box
Family/Community |
Connect Award
15534 |
Phillips Exeter Academy |
Connect Award 2nd Place
24018 |
Family/Community |
Connect Award 3rd Place
21616 |
Blue Potato Lobsters
Element Machine Tools&Noble High School |
Innovate Award sponsored by RTX
24353 |
Super Box
Family/Community |
Innovate Award sponsored by RTX 2nd Place
21689 |
Team Tesseract
Academy for Science & Design |
Innovate Award sponsored by RTX 3rd Place
24018 |
Family/Community |
Control Award
21689 |
Team Tesseract
Academy for Science & Design |
Control Award 2nd Place
24513 |
Phillips Exeter Academy |
Motivate Award
20726 |
Tobor the Viking
Weeks Public Library |
Motivate Award 2nd Place
20842 |
Hilda the Builda
Weeks Public Library |
Motivate Award 3rd Place
24513 |
Phillips Exeter Academy |
Design Award
17455 |
The ... Cephalo-Bots?
Enterprise Bank&Granite State Arts Acad CS |
Design Award 2nd Place
24488 |
The Stingers
Family/Community |
Design Award 3rd Place
24513 |
Phillips Exeter Academy |
Judges' Choice Award
21616 |
Blue Potato Lobsters
Element Machine Tools&Noble High School |