Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the NY-NYC Super Qualfiers 1 can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Live Stream URL https://www.youtube.com/@nycfirstfirsttechchallenge8298/streams
Dates Event Complete (Week 21 since kickoff)
Saturday, February 3 to Saturday, 03 February 2024
Venue John Dewey High School
50 Avenue X
Brooklyn, NY USA
Region New York - NYC
Website https://www.nycfirst.org
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below. In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
Match Participants 28
Number Name
310 Stuy Fission
479 Stuy Fusion
3371 Bötley Crüe
4782 The Super Troublemakers
4783 Dynamic
4784 Tetricons
8087 Seahorse Stallions
8365 Gearmasters
9294 Big Bots Corp.
9295 Heroines
9372 Standard Model
9384 Hydraulic Hydras
9385 Team Leviathan
10392 The Rolling Drones
10393 Pink Droyd
11943 The Nighthawks
11997 Heights Techies
14156 Packer Robotics
14212 Metrobotics
14639 B3VR
14712 Ruckus Robotics
14734 Envirobots
17126 Natural Selection
18657 AIM Robotics
19426 QHSS Cardinal Robotics
20233 Blazing Bluebots
22359 Overclock
24416 Hephaestech
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