Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the FiT-North Semi-Area Championship Stage Left can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Event Code USTXATQ
Dates Event Complete (Week 22 since kickoff)
Saturday, February 10 to Saturday, 10 February 2024
Venue Aledo HS
990 Bailey Ranch Rd, Aledo, TX 76008
Aledo, Texas, TX USA
Region Texas - FIT
6 teams advance to FiT-North Area Championship
Website http://www.ntxftc.org
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below. In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
Match Participants 31
Number Name
127 The Fighting Pickles
6566 Circuit Breakers
9001 Jesuit Rangers
9161 Overload
13472 The Dork Side
16412 Triad Robotics
16802 Hollibots
19990 Marcus de-TECH-tives
19991 Chuckleheads
20313 Mustang Robotics
20325 Maximum Resistance
20410 Bat in a Box
21330 The Marvels of Tomorrow
21354 EPIC Expedition
21514 Spontaneous Combustors
21533 Keller Fusion
21834 EPIC Adventurer
21932 Forged In Iron
21963 Project Strange
21965 Mainframe
22077 Marcus Minions
22344 Cat a pult
22674 Metal Manipulators
23465 Hebron Robotics Team
23515 Technically Geeks
23542 Technobotz
23716 TI - 12
24337 Tech Support
24437 Synovation
24729 ShadowBots
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