Jackson-EJHS League

League Information
League Code JACK
Location Jackson County
Teams 9
Region Georgia
Parent League Northeast Region League
These Rankings reflect only League Meets. Visit a League Tournament's page to view Rankings that include its Qualification Matches.
Average RP
Average TBP1
Average TBP2
High Score
Matches Played
1 18434 2.00 27.50 28.50 150 10-0-0 25
2 18597 2.00 24.30 31.00 117 10-0-0 25
3 18014 2.00 23.50 26.00 150 10-0-0 25
4 17421 2.00 11.90 26.00 119 10-0-0 25
5 21721 2.00 9.40 23.00 113 10-0-0 25
6 16796 1.80 12.10 21.50 118 9-1-0 25
7 3819 1.40 16.90 17.00 92 7-3-0 20
8 2993 1.40 9.50 17.00 112 7-3-0 20
9 19751 0.40 11.90 13.00 93 2-8-0 10

League rankings are always averaged based on 10 matches, regardless of the number played.
Code Name Location Date
USGAJACKM1 GA Jackson-EJHS Meet-1 Commerce, GA, USA 10/28/23
USGAJACKM2 GA Jackson-EJHS Meet-2 Commerce, GA, USA 11/11/23
USGAJACKM3 GA Jackson-EJHS Meet-3 Commerce, GA, USA 11/11/23
USGAJACKM4 GA Jackson-EJHS Meet-4 Commerce, GA, USA 12/16/23
USGAJACKM5 GA Jackson-EJHS Meet-5 Commerce, GA, USA 12/16/23
Number Name From
2993 Blue RoboDragons Lawrenceville, GA, USA
21721 RoboClovers JV Winder, GA, USA
3819 Green RoboDragons Lawrenceville, GA, USA
19751 Empower 2 Jefferson, GA, USA
16796 Red Robodragons Lawrenceville, GA, USA
17421 Talon Tech Commerce, GA, USA
18434 Mechanical Mayhem Commerce, GA, USA
18597 RoboClovers Winder, GA, USA
18014 Empower 1 Jefferson, GA, USA