Hadfield League

League Information
League Code W
Location Western Oklahoma
Teams 11
Region Oklahoma
Parent League Oklahoma Statewide
These Rankings reflect only League Meets. Visit a League Tournament's page to view Rankings that include its Qualification Matches.
Average RP
Average TBP1
Average TBP2
High Score
Matches Played
1 7506 2.00 41.80 26.50 111 10-0-0 15
2 17025 1.40 11.90 18.50 99 7-3-0 15
3 23931 1.40 11.40 20.00 111 7-3-0 15
4 11344 1.40 9.00 19.00 59 7-3-0 15
5 23703 1.20 15.70 21.00 101 6-4-0 15
6 24141 1.20 8.00 18.50 69 6-4-0 10
7 19563 0.80 7.30 17.50 97 4-6-0 10
8 22015 0.60 9.40 15.50 109 3-7-0 10
9 23702 0.40 7.90 14.50 108 2-8-0 10

League rankings are always averaged based on 10 matches, regardless of the number played.
Code Name Location Date
USOKWM1 OK Hadfield Meet #1 Kingfisher, OK, USA 11/20/23
USOKWM2 OK Hadfield Meet #2 Altus, OK, USA 12/9/23
USOKWM3 OK Hadfield Meet #3 Frederick, OK, USA 1/6/24
Number Name From
24016 Mechacats Mooreland, OK, USA
17025 Iron Talons 17025 Freedom, OK, USA
11344 Merritt Oilers Elk City, OK, USA
23931 Under the Radar Altus, OK, USA
7506 System Overload Frederick, OK, USA
14731 Lomega Robotics Omega, OK, USA
23702 Weatherford Aluminum Eagles Weatherford, OK, USA
19563 Boise City BattleCats Boise City, OK, USA
23703 Bob-Bots Kingfisher, OK, USA
22015 The Robo-Trojans Canute, OK, USA
24141 TheTrojan-Bots Canute, OK, USA