Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the Mountain Whitefish League Tournament can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Dates Event Approaching (Week 23 since kickoff)
Sunday, February 9 to Sunday, 09 February 2025
Team Capacity 16
Venue Red Deer Polytechnic
100 College Blvd
Red Deer, AB Canada
Region Alberta
League Mountain Whitefish
Volunteer Register to volunteer for this event
Website https://firstalberta.ca/events/ftc/
Event Results

Match Participants 12
Number Name
4169 URL - 2024-2025 ROBORAMS
20190 SJHS Gyro Falcons - Anglers
22459 SJHS Gyro Falcons - Prometheus
22460 SJHS Gyro Falcons - BotLobster
23792 URL-2024-2025 Spectre
24700 Buccaneers
24701 Corsair
26188 URL 2024-2025 Uncertified
27358 SJHS Gyro Falcons - Leviathans
27622 URL 2024-2025 Mech Mavericks
27930 SJHS Gyro Falcons - Prime Falcon
28051 Red Deer Community FTC
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