Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the Jamaica National Championship can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Event Code JMCMP
Dates Event Approaching (Week 26 since kickoff)
Friday, March 7 to Saturday, 08 March 2025
Team Capacity 35
Venue Karl Hendrickson Auditorium - Jamaica College
189 Old Hope Road
Kingston 6, 01 Jamaica
Region Jamaica
Volunteer Register to volunteer for this event
Website https://jamaicarobotics.org/
Event Results

Match Participants 14
Number Name
3981 The Griffins
6899 Blue Bots
14870 Dunoon Technical High
14896 Knight Bots
15060 Blue Flames
15239 Convent of Mercy Academy 'Alpha'
15352 Team Iterations
17852 Phoenix Requiem
17865 Tarrant High
17882 Maggotrons
17884 Lady Bots
22638 Chapelton Torch1
22701 St Jago - Lions
22755 Team Circle
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