
High Score
1 20092 RTF-RoboticTechFrox 20092 2.00 30.40 15.00 181 5-0-0 5
2 26122 One MegaBot 26122 1.60 15.20 10.80 123 4-1-0 5
3 22173 Red Monkeys 22173 1.60 12.80 9.00 181 4-1-0 5
4 23252 FTC NEOBOTS 23252 1.60 8.80 5.40 96 4-1-0 5
5 27706 HML 27706 1.60 5.40 16.20 100 4-1-0 5
6 12475 Chilling Chinchillas 12475 1.20 11.40 3.00 96 3-2-0 5
7 17651 The Probots 17651 1.20 9.20 18.60 134 3-2-0 5
8 16788 The Encrypted Gentlemen 16788 1.20 6.00 3.60 130 3-2-0 5
9 25905 Yellow IOT 25905 0.80 10.60 19.80 123 2-3-0 5
10 16850 Breul-1 16850 0.80 8.80 3.00 98 2-3-0 5
11 21658 The Thunders 21658 0.80 8.60 4.80 155 2-3-0 5
12 27579 Northern Nexus 27579 0.80 7.20 6.00 130 2-3-0 5
13 27312 De Campus Champs 27312 0.80 6.00 4.80 100 2-3-0 5
14 16402 Panic Attack 16402 0.80 4.80 4.80 96 2-3-0 5
15 17227 Roboni Rookies 17227 0.80 3.80 1.80 102 2-3-0 5
16 18425 Ubbo Tech Team 18425 0.80 1.40 4.80 83 2-3-0 5
17 22052 Firda Force One 22052 0.40 8.00 6.00 179 1-4-0 5
18 10918 SPACE 10918 0.40 7.60 4.20 174 1-4-0 5
19 16977 Roboni Forever 16977 0.40 7.60 1.80 98 1-4-0 5
20 16382 Casimir Tech 16382 0.40 3.60 1.80 78 1-4-0 5
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