Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the MA Brookline Robo Rally can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Event Code USMABRQ
Dates Event Approaching (Week 20 since kickoff)
Saturday, January 25 to Saturday, 25 January 2025
Team Capacity 24
Venue Brookline High School
115 Greenough Street
Brookline, MA USA
Region Massachusetts
Volunteer Register to volunteer for this event
Event Results

Match Participants 24
Number Name
3737 Hank's Tanks
4096 T-10 ("T minus Ten")
5273 ARC Thunder
5897 HackHers
6032 Lightning Hawks
8532 Falcons
9326 Liquid Oxygen
9480 GNCE Platinum
10560 Robo Hawks
12195 Hawkbots
14864 Wilmington Wired WildCats, WWW
16921 MS Wildcats Apollo
19397 Soli Deo Gloria
19667 Bionic Bishops
20696 Uxbridge Robotics
20748 Nobles
22618 MS Robotics Artemis
23461 Isotech
24256 ARC Sandstorm
24415 Taunton High Robotics
25718 Ctrl+Z
26112 Organized Anarchy
26898 Duxbury Dragonbots
27598 Rojo Robo Dojo Saint John's
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