Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the Avondale League Meet 5 can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Event Code USMIAVM9
Dates Event Complete (Week 9 since kickoff)
Monday, November 4 to Monday, 04 November 2024
Venue Avondale GATE Magnet School
1442 W Auburn Rd.
Rochester Hills, MI USA
Region Michigan - FiM
League Avondale
Website https://firstinmichigan.us/FTC/events/
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below. In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
League Rankings
This event is part of the Avondale League. Teams are ranked by their cumulative performance at all league events they participate in.
Match Participants 17
Number Name
6255 Avondale RoboJackets [1]
18965 Avondale RoboJackets [3]
18966 Avondale RoboJackets [4]
18969 Avondale RoboJackets [7]
22055 Avondale RoboJackets [10]
22056 Avondale RoboJackets [11]
22305 Avondale RoboJackets [14]
25078 Avondale RoboJackets [18]
25082 Avondale RoboJackets [21]
25088 Avondale RoboJackets [24]
25092 Avondale RoboJackets [28]
25094 Avondale RoboJackets [30]
25099 Avondale RoboJackets [32]
25105 Avondale RoboJackets [33]
27583 Avondale RoboJackets [34]
27586 Avondale RoboJackets [36]
28040 Avondale RoboJackets [47]
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