Qualification 1
11193 The Flying Dutchbots |
6811 Hardcore Hard Drives |
26538 SPAA CyBirds |
19770 JaXon Falcon Works - Maroon |
Qualification 2
11618 Chelsea Gremlins |
9895 Greenhills Lawnmowers II |
8734 Actuators |
11729 Chelsea Crash |
Qualification 3
10645 Hornet Hackers |
8142 Jr Mountie Megabots (Red) |
26293 Chelsea Surge |
27277 Jr. Mountie Megabots (White) |
Qualification 4
14015 MC Hammers |
11617 Chelsea Glitch |
13748 The Silver Sprockets |
27155 Warrior Bots |
Qualification 5
11679 Titanium Trojans Too |
8656 The Kraken |
14018 Jr Mountie Megabots (Black) |
7360 Gears and Spears |
Qualification 6
19925 Techno Titans |
8511 Greenhills Lawnmowers I |
9458 American Jackets |
10735 JaXon Falcon Works - Gold |
Qualification 7
8492 Titanium Trojans |
26266 The Greenhills Lawnmowers Ill |
26606 H.I.V.E. |
10552 Mechanic Wasps |
Qualification 8
10644 CyBugs |
11618 Chelsea Gremlins |
15555 S.W.A.R.M. |
11679 Titanium Trojans Too |
Qualification 9
14015 MC Hammers |
8142 Jr Mountie Megabots (Red) |
19770 JaXon Falcon Works - Maroon |
9458 American Jackets |
Qualification 10
27277 Jr. Mountie Megabots (White) |
8511 Greenhills Lawnmowers I |
10552 Mechanic Wasps |
14018 Jr Mountie Megabots (Black) |
Qualification 11
11617 Chelsea Glitch |
26293 Chelsea Surge |
8734 Actuators |
11193 The Flying Dutchbots |
Qualification 12
26606 H.I.V.E. |
27155 Warrior Bots |
10735 JaXon Falcon Works - Gold |
15555 S.W.A.R.M. |
Qualification 13
10644 CyBugs |
10645 Hornet Hackers |
26538 SPAA CyBirds |
19925 Techno Titans |
Qualification 14
6811 Hardcore Hard Drives |
11729 Chelsea Crash |
8656 The Kraken |
26266 The Greenhills Lawnmowers Ill |
Qualification 15
13748 The Silver Sprockets |
8492 Titanium Trojans |
9895 Greenhills Lawnmowers II |
7360 Gears and Spears |
Qualification 16
26606 H.I.V.E. |
8734 Actuators |
14015 MC Hammers |
11679 Titanium Trojans Too |
Qualification 17
10552 Mechanic Wasps |
19770 JaXon Falcon Works - Maroon |
11729 Chelsea Crash |
10644 CyBugs |
Qualification 18
10735 JaXon Falcon Works - Gold |
6811 Hardcore Hard Drives |
8492 Titanium Trojans |
27277 Jr. Mountie Megabots (White) |
Qualification 19
7360 Gears and Spears |
26538 SPAA CyBirds |
9458 American Jackets |
11617 Chelsea Glitch |
Qualification 20
27155 Warrior Bots |
8656 The Kraken |
11618 Chelsea Gremlins |
8511 Greenhills Lawnmowers I |
Qualification 21
15555 S.W.A.R.M. |
26266 The Greenhills Lawnmowers Ill |
11193 The Flying Dutchbots |
10645 Hornet Hackers |
Qualification 22
26293 Chelsea Surge |
13748 The Silver Sprockets |
19925 Techno Titans |
14018 Jr Mountie Megabots (Black) |
Qualification 23
8142 Jr Mountie Megabots (Red) |
11679 Titanium Trojans Too |
9895 Greenhills Lawnmowers II |
10735 JaXon Falcon Works - Gold |
Qualification 24
11193 The Flying Dutchbots |
10644 CyBugs |
8656 The Kraken |
14015 MC Hammers |
Qualification 25
8511 Greenhills Lawnmowers I |
26538 SPAA CyBirds |
26266 The Greenhills Lawnmowers Ill |
26293 Chelsea Surge |
Qualification 26
7360 Gears and Spears |
19925 Techno Titans |
8734 Actuators |
10552 Mechanic Wasps |
Qualification 27
9458 American Jackets |
26606 H.I.V.E. |
6811 Hardcore Hard Drives |
11618 Chelsea Gremlins |
Qualification 28
14018 Jr Mountie Megabots (Black) |
11617 Chelsea Glitch |
8142 Jr Mountie Megabots (Red) |
8492 Titanium Trojans |
Qualification 29
15555 S.W.A.R.M. |
13748 The Silver Sprockets |
11729 Chelsea Crash |
27277 Jr. Mountie Megabots (White) |
Qualification 30
9895 Greenhills Lawnmowers II |
19770 JaXon Falcon Works - Maroon |
10645 Hornet Hackers |
27155 Warrior Bots |
Qualification 31
26293 Chelsea Surge |
9458 American Jackets |
11679 Titanium Trojans Too |
8492 Titanium Trojans |
Qualification 32
26538 SPAA CyBirds |
10552 Mechanic Wasps |
8142 Jr Mountie Megabots (Red) |
15555 S.W.A.R.M. |
Qualification 33
27155 Warrior Bots |
8734 Actuators |
6811 Hardcore Hard Drives |
10644 CyBugs |
Qualification 34
14018 Jr Mountie Megabots (Black) |
14015 MC Hammers |
26266 The Greenhills Lawnmowers Ill |
9895 Greenhills Lawnmowers II |
Qualification 35
11729 Chelsea Crash |
10645 Hornet Hackers |
11617 Chelsea Glitch |
26606 H.I.V.E. |
Qualification 36
10735 JaXon Falcon Works - Gold |
11193 The Flying Dutchbots |
11618 Chelsea Gremlins |
13748 The Silver Sprockets |
Qualification 37
27277 Jr. Mountie Megabots (White) |
8656 The Kraken |
19770 JaXon Falcon Works - Maroon |
19925 Techno Titans |
Qualification 38
8511 Greenhills Lawnmowers I |
26606 H.I.V.E. |
7360 Gears and Spears |
14015 MC Hammers |