
High Score
1 24260 Out Of the Blue 24260 2.00 17.40 4.20 176 5-0-0 5
2 19410 Entropic Fluctuations 19410 1.60 35.80 15.60 176 4-1-0 5
3 15707 Bots by the Creek 15707 1.60 19.40 9.00 203 4-1-0 5
4 27336 Robo Dragons 27336 1.20 19.00 3.60 145 3-2-0 5
5 24606 Peak FTC Robotics 24606 1.20 12.60 0.60 120 3-2-0 5
6 21734 Till the Wheels Fall Off 21734 0.80 17.60 6.00 170 2-3-0 5
7 11528 Bots of Prey 11528 0.80 14.80 0.60 159 2-3-0 5
8 21779 Albritton Middle School 21779 0.80 12.60 3.60 146 2-3-0 5
9 23249 EmberShard 23249 0.80 9.00 13.20 126 2-3-0 5
10 9063 Claws of Steel 9063 0.80 6.60 8.40 131 2-3-0 5
11 8569 RoboKnights 8569 0.80 6.00 4.80 127 2-3-0 5
12 13735 ∏∆S (PiRates) 13735 0.40 4.00 3.60 163 1-4-0 5
13 16250 CougarBots 16250 0.00 7.40 1.20 57 0-5-0 5
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