
High Score
1 21836 ITKAN IAR 21836 2.00 34.80 21.00 277 5-0-0 5
2 24064 ITKAN JIAR Janktastrophe 24064 2.00 32.80 18.00 281 5-0-0 5
3 21502 Bionic Bulldogs 21502 1.60 42.40 16.20 281 4-1-0 5
4 19410 Entropic Fluctuations 19410 1.60 28.60 6.60 172 4-1-0 5
5 26916 Chaotic Controllers 26916 1.20 30.20 16.20 277 3-2-0 5
6 21501 Ohms 21501 1.20 25.20 10.20 205 3-2-0 5
7 5795 Back To The Drawing Board 5795 1.20 21.40 15.60 149 3-2-0 5
8 26596 Hot Sprockets 26596 1.20 15.60 9.00 208 3-2-0 5
9 16328 Trial n' Error 16328 1.20 11.20 11.40 149 3-2-0 5
10 23892 Waffle Warriors 23892 0.80 23.80 13.20 202 2-3-0 5
11 23532 ITKAN MYCC 23532 0.80 18.40 9.00 157 2-3-0 5
12 25812 Mechanical Mushrooms 25812 0.80 15.00 7.20 134 2-3-0 5
13 21840 Kearns Robotics 21840 0.80 11.40 10.20 184 2-3-0 5
14 22377 SigmaCorns 22377 0.80 10.20 1.80 186 2-3-0 5
15 24362 Bison Bots 24362 0.80 8.60 15.60 166 2-3-0 5
16 9993 StormBots 9993 0.80 7.80 7.20 142 2-3-0 5
17 3916 Apex Robotics 3916 0.80 2.20 6.60 105 2-3-0 5
18 4622 L.O.C.S. 4622 0.40 19.00 7.80 204 1-4-0 5
19 20683 CMPD RoboCops 20683 0.40 10.80 11.40 131 1-4-0 5
20 22759 CMPD RoboCops 2.0 22759 0.40 3.20 6.00 100 1-4-0 5
21 15707 Bots by the Creek 15707 0.00 12.80 6.60 171 0-5-0 5
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