Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the FiT-W&P Amarillo League Tournament can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Dates Event Complete (Week 21 since kickoff)
Saturday, February 1 to Saturday, 01 February 2025
Venue AmTech Career Academy
3601 Plains Blvd
Amarillo, TX USA
Region Texas - FIT
League FiT-W&P Amarillo
10 teams advance to FiT-W&P Regional Championship
Website https://firstintexas.org/
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below. In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
Match Participants 30
Number Name
11986 BHS - Code Blue
12398 Bobcat Robotics
13755 Robocat
14608 SunrayBotCats
15151 Anatronic Kats
15152 Bionic Cats
16617 Nazareth Robotics
17191 Wildcat Robotics - 4
17198 The Shrimpletons
17332 Wildcat Robotics - 3
17977 Omni-Future
18503 The Well Team 3
18570 Swift PowerMech
18801 BHS - Mischief Managed
19717 Bomb City Bots Blue
19782 Hart Robotics
19955 BHS - Robo Rangers
19956 BHS - Mayhem Performance Robotics
19957 BHS - BoogieBots
22304 Bomb City Bots Gold
22306 Bomb City Bots White
22952 Dauntless
23614 WD Innovators
23917 BJHS: The Leviathans
24186 The Well Team 8
24663 The Well Team 9
24677 Octobots
26595 Robostangs
27190 WD Sesame Street
27458 Stingrayz
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