JPL League

League Information
League Code NE
Location Nacogdoches, TX
Teams 20
Region Texas - Houston
These Rankings reflect only League Meets. Visit a League Tournament's page to view Rankings that include its Qualification Matches.
Team RS AUTO ASCENT High Score W-L-T Plays
1 16226 True Damage 16226 2.00 13.00 3.00 166 10-0-0 10
2 23612 Axel Prime 23612 1.80 7.90 9.90 166 9-1-0 10
3 23613 Securis Rex 23613 1.80 6.30 8.70 119 9-1-0 10
4 16212 RoboCop 16212 1.60 11.30 6.60 101 8-2-0 10
5 27283 Clockwerk Draconis 27283 1.20 10.20 5.40 68 6-4-0 10
6 16216 System Overload 16216 1.20 7.90 4.80 76 6-4-0 10
7 24263 Henderson ROARbots 24263 1.20 2.30 11.10 107 6-4-0 10
8 24223 McMichael Middle School 24223 1.00 6.70 6.60 87 5-5-0 10
9 26732 Athena Prime 26732 1.00 3.50 6.00 91 5-5-0 10
10 22104 Douglass Dorks 22104 0.90 2.30 9.30 74 4-5-1 10
11 21462 Data Not Found 21462 0.80 5.30 3.90 123 4-6-0 10
12 26911 Pyro Robotics 26911 0.60 6.80 3.60 79 3-7-0 10
13 27285 Dragon Robotics 27285 0.60 3.30 3.90 65 3-7-0 10
14 27284 Here Be Dragons 27284 0.60 1.30 6.30 63 3-7-0 10
15 27644 Circuit Breakers 27644 0.50 6.90 3.00 60 2-7-1 10
16 26835 Nemesis 26835 0.50 1.80 6.60 70 2-7-1 10
17 24798 Pathway Corrupted 24798 0.40 1.30 6.30 58 2-8-0 10
18 14238 Robo Lions (FTC) 14238 0.40 1.30 5.10 70 2-3-0 5
19 16215 Deer Factory 16215 0.30 10.30 3.00 96 1-8-1 10

League rankings are always averaged based on 10 matches, regardless of the number played.
Code Name Location Date
USTXHONEM1 JPL Meet 1 Nacogdoches, TX, USA 11/16/24
USTXHONEM2 JPL Meet 2 Nacogdoches, TX, USA 12/14/24
USTXHONEM3 JPL Meet 3 Nacogdoches, TX, USA 2/1/25
USTXHONELT JPL 2025 Tournament Nacogdoches, TX, USA 2/8/25
Number Name From
16216 System Overload Livingston, TX, USA
23920 Huntington Middle School Huntington, TX, USA
16226 True Damage Livingston, TX, USA
24223 McMichael Middle School Nacogdoches, TX, USA
16215 Deer Factory Livingston, TX, USA
27283 Clockwerk Draconis Nacogdoches, TX, USA
26732 Athena Prime Diboll, TX, USA
24263 Henderson ROARbots Henderson, TX, USA
27644 Circuit Breakers Livingston, TX, USA
16212 RoboCop Livingston, TX, USA
26911 Pyro Robotics Livingston, TX, USA
21462 Data Not Found Henderson, TX, USA
14238 Robo Lions (FTC) Livingston, TX, USA
27285 Dragon Robotics Nacogdoches, TX, USA
22104 Douglass Dorks Douglass, TX, USA
27284 Here Be Dragons Nacogdoches, TX, USA
23612 Axel Prime Diboll, TX, USA
26835 Nemesis Diboll, TX, USA
23613 Securis Rex Diboll, TX, USA
24798 Pathway Corrupted Nacogdoches, TX, USA