Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the California-NorCal Regional Championship can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Dates Event Complete (Week 25 since kickoff)
Saturday, March 12 to Sunday, 13 March 2022
Venue Newark Memorial High School
39375 Cedar Blvd
Newark, CA USA
Region California - Northern
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below. In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
Match Participants 48
524 Boss Bots
4345 Aragon Robotics
5206 The Knights of Ni
5773 Ink and Metal
6165 MSET CuttleFish
7303 RoboAvatars
7390 MSET JellyFish
7641 MSET BettaFish
7854 MidKnight Madness
8375 Vulcan Robotics
8404 Quixilver
8872 Robopocalypse
9614 Hyperion
10023 GatorBots
11039 Innov8rz
11099 Tacobots
11311 Paragon
12635 Kuriosity Robotics
12869 Voyager 6+
13190 Roblivion
13216 Deja Vu
13218 Taro
13356 RoboForce
14162 Bots&Bytes
14259 TURBΩ V8
14300 Animatronics
14318 BioBots
14341 Hypercube Robotics
14473 Future
14525 TerraBats
14663 Killabytez
14969 Vortex
16026 Alphabots
16236 Juice
16533 Infernobots
16535 LegitBots
16887 Tail Gators
16898 Poseidon
17759 Mind
18219 Primitive Data
18254 The Inzain Bots
18272 Sigma
18311 Icon Maniacs
18346 AA Batteries
19819 AstroBruins
19896 Square
20370 RMS Phoenix
20373 RMS Chimera