Event Information
Event Information
Basic information about the IL Chicago Suburban NE League Tournament can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages
are local to the event.
Event Code | USILDELT |
Dates |
Event Complete (Week 21 since kickoff) Sunday, February 6 to Sunday, 06 February 2022 |
Venue |
Deerfield High School 1959 Waugkegan Rd. Deerfield, IL USA |
Region | Illinois |
League | ChicagoSuburbanNorthEast |
Advancement |
5 teams advance to Illinois State Championship
Website | https://www.firstillinoisrobotics.org/ftc/ |
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below.
In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
Match Participants 21
Number |
Name |
5495 | Iron Eagles |
8608 | Shockwave |
9113 | Need for Speed |
10091 | N.Y.A.N. Robotics - Not Your Average Nerds |
10138 | Newton Busters |
10415 | Warbots |
10630 | Robunculous Chunkulous |
11139 | Knight Owls |
12051 | N^3 Robotics - Not Not Nerds |
12982 | Bionic Bulldogs |
13413 | Here For The Snacks |
14475 | It's Gonna Blow |
14614 | Electro |
15118 | CogChamp |
17657 | Engineering Knights |
18523 | Vertigo |
18529 | Rust In Piece Robotics |
18766 | TNT Robotics - Total Nerd Team |
20214 | Steel Serpents |
20215 | Motor Cortex |
20216 | Out of Cache |