Qualification 1
Sat 2/12 -
10:41 AM
16169 Banana Box |
11780 B.L.U.E Box |
14067 Laconia High School Robotics |
8888 Infinity Factor |
Qualification 2
Sat 2/12 -
10:51 AM
12789 Hack-Gearz |
19695 Freight-O-Trons |
17630 Hot Wings |
20794 Cellar Dwellers |
Qualification 3
Sat 2/12 -
10:57 AM
15343 Blue VIII |
14590 Prometheus |
7078 Ov3r1y K0mp13x |
20099 Team Inconceivable! |
Qualification 4
Sat 2/12 -
11:04 AM
12758 Derryfield Binary Bots |
13507 The Light Brigade |
7135 Hornets |
11866 HBMS Royal Knights 11866 |
Qualification 5
Sat 2/12 -
11:10 AM
19643 Dragon Droids |
12494 Southside Gear Grinders |
17455 GSAA Octofighters |
15534 VERTEX |
Qualification 6
Sat 2/12 -
11:16 AM
17868 GRS Cooperative |
19774 Torque |
20910 Hornets 2 |
17700 Mechanical Vikings |
Qualification 7
Sat 2/12 -
11:23 AM
18151 The Flux Capacitors |
17165 WLC W4RR10R5 |
16209 The Dread Pirate Robots |
11536 Derryfield Fighting Cougars |
Qualification 8
Sat 2/12 -
11:30 AM
19695 Freight-O-Trons |
7078 Ov3r1y K0mp13x |
12758 Derryfield Binary Bots |
16169 Banana Box |
Qualification 9
Sat 2/12 -
11:36 AM
13507 The Light Brigade |
17455 GSAA Octofighters |
20794 Cellar Dwellers |
14590 Prometheus |
Qualification 10
Sat 2/12 -
11:48 AM
17630 Hot Wings |
11536 Derryfield Fighting Cougars |
15534 VERTEX |
20910 Hornets 2 |
Qualification 11
Sat 2/12 -
11:53 AM
11780 B.L.U.E Box |
17868 GRS Cooperative |
11866 HBMS Royal Knights 11866 |
18151 The Flux Capacitors |
Qualification 12
Sat 2/12 -
11:59 AM
7135 Hornets |
12494 Southside Gear Grinders |
17165 WLC W4RR10R5 |
17700 Mechanical Vikings |
Qualification 13
Sat 2/12 -
12:04 PM
14067 Laconia High School Robotics |
16209 The Dread Pirate Robots |
15343 Blue VIII |
19643 Dragon Droids |
Qualification 14
Sat 2/12 -
12:09 PM
8888 Infinity Factor |
19774 Torque |
20099 Team Inconceivable! |
12789 Hack-Gearz |
Qualification 15
Sat 2/12 -
12:15 PM
17455 GSAA Octofighters |
17630 Hot Wings |
17868 GRS Cooperative |
17165 WLC W4RR10R5 |
Qualification 16
Sat 2/12 -
12:19 PM
20794 Cellar Dwellers |
16169 Banana Box |
12494 Southside Gear Grinders |
18151 The Flux Capacitors |
Qualification 17
Sat 2/12 -
12:25 PM
14590 Prometheus |
16209 The Dread Pirate Robots |
12789 Hack-Gearz |
11866 HBMS Royal Knights 11866 |
Qualification 18
Sat 2/12 -
1:38 PM
15534 VERTEX |
15343 Blue VIII |
19774 Torque |
12758 Derryfield Binary Bots |
Qualification 19
Sat 2/12 -
1:44 PM
20099 Team Inconceivable! |
11780 B.L.U.E Box |
11536 Derryfield Fighting Cougars |
19643 Dragon Droids |
Qualification 20
Sat 2/12 -
1:50 PM
20910 Hornets 2 |
14067 Laconia High School Robotics |
7078 Ov3r1y K0mp13x |
7135 Hornets |
Qualification 21
Sat 2/12 -
1:55 PM
17700 Mechanical Vikings |
8888 Infinity Factor |
19695 Freight-O-Trons |
13507 The Light Brigade |
Qualification 22
Sat 2/12 -
2:00 PM
19774 Torque |
16169 Banana Box |
19643 Dragon Droids |
17630 Hot Wings |
Qualification 23
Sat 2/12 -
2:10 PM
7135 Hornets |
20794 Cellar Dwellers |
11536 Derryfield Fighting Cougars |
15343 Blue VIII |
Qualification 24
Sat 2/12 -
2:15 PM
17165 WLC W4RR10R5 |
19695 Freight-O-Trons |
11780 B.L.U.E Box |
14590 Prometheus |
Qualification 25
Sat 2/12 -
2:21 PM
18151 The Flux Capacitors |
20910 Hornets 2 |
8888 Infinity Factor |
12758 Derryfield Binary Bots |
Qualification 26
Sat 2/12 -
2:27 PM
11866 HBMS Royal Knights 11866 |
20099 Team Inconceivable! |
17700 Mechanical Vikings |
17455 GSAA Octofighters |
Qualification 27
Sat 2/12 -
2:33 PM
12789 Hack-Gearz |
17868 GRS Cooperative |
12494 Southside Gear Grinders |
14067 Laconia High School Robotics |
Qualification 28
Sat 2/12 -
2:38 PM
16209 The Dread Pirate Robots |
15534 VERTEX |
13507 The Light Brigade |
7078 Ov3r1y K0mp13x |
Qualification 29
Sat 2/12 -
2:44 PM
18151 The Flux Capacitors |
7135 Hornets |
19774 Torque |
17455 GSAA Octofighters |
Qualification 30
Sat 2/12 -
2:50 PM
17700 Mechanical Vikings |
17630 Hot Wings |
11780 B.L.U.E Box |
15343 Blue VIII |
Qualification 31
Sat 2/12 -
2:57 PM
14590 Prometheus |
11536 Derryfield Fighting Cougars |
8888 Infinity Factor |
12494 Southside Gear Grinders |
Qualification 32
Sat 2/12 -
3:04 PM
17165 WLC W4RR10R5 |
19643 Dragon Droids |
7078 Ov3r1y K0mp13x |
20794 Cellar Dwellers |
Qualification 33
Sat 2/12 -
3:11 PM
11866 HBMS Royal Knights 11866 |
14067 Laconia High School Robotics |
19695 Freight-O-Trons |
15534 VERTEX |
Qualification 34
Sat 2/12 -
3:20 PM
20910 Hornets 2 |
13507 The Light Brigade |
16169 Banana Box |
12789 Hack-Gearz |
Qualification 35
Sat 2/12 -
3:27 PM
17868 GRS Cooperative |
12758 Derryfield Binary Bots |
20099 Team Inconceivable! |
16209 The Dread Pirate Robots |