Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the OH Wright Flyer Qualifier - Katharine can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Event Code USOHKEQ2
Dates Event Complete (Week 22 since kickoff)
Monday, February 14 to Sunday, 20 February 2022
Submission Window
Mon, Feb 14 12:00 AM to Sun, Feb 20 12:00 PM
Region Ohio
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below. In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
Match Participants 24
Number Name
3311 Innovators Robotics
5437 WRAptors - Slice
5501 VW Robotics
6133 The "NUTS!"
10851 WASA
11095 Loose Screws
11781 MVS Rambotics
12056 Aves Ablaze
12569 STEMstangs
12653 Robot Legion
13172 Centipede
14174 Cougar Robotics
14261 Wreck Less
14279 FLRC - Circuit Breakers
15250 Eagles Robotics
16414 Hot Cup of Java
16657 We Did Start the Fire
17473 Steel Warriors
17978 Robo Kai (Fenwick)
18400 Twisted Toys
20104 CCS Cougars
20116 Where's The Tape Measure?
20179 Narwhal Hoodies
20197 OZone Junior