Qualification 1
Sat 1/28 -
10:55 AM
4116 Volta Robotics |
17322 ML Spartronics |
16310 Rising Rhinobots |
16252 Ruh-Roh Robotics |
Qualification 2
Sat 1/28 -
11:00 AM
16001 Robo Dons |
11353 Lightning Robotics |
21867 Door of Hope |
19796 Outside the BOTS |
Qualification 3
Sat 1/28 -
11:04 AM
22548 Attack Hamsterz |
17235 MR. COD |
22526 FSA Gear Grinders |
21385 Nuclear Fishin' |
Qualification 4
Sat 1/28 -
11:09 AM
22672 Absolute Hack |
7974 Great Scott! |
21737 Green Eggs and Program |
6985 Droid Rage Rewired |
Qualification 5
Sat 1/28 -
11:13 AM
13828 Java Jokers |
16460 GEarheads |
19417 Superstellar |
Qualification 6
Sat 1/28 -
11:18 AM
8755 E-Storm |
13201 Team Hazmat |
9224 Techno G.O.A.T.S. |
14631 Laser Tech |
Qualification 7
Sat 1/28 -
11:22 AM
16252 Ruh-Roh Robotics |
17322 ML Spartronics |
11353 Lightning Robotics |
21385 Nuclear Fishin' |
Qualification 8
Sat 1/28 -
11:27 AM
22526 FSA Gear Grinders |
4116 Volta Robotics |
19796 Outside the BOTS |
22672 Absolute Hack |
Qualification 9
Sat 1/28 -
11:31 AM
21867 Door of Hope |
21737 Green Eggs and Program |
22548 Attack Hamsterz |
13828 Java Jokers |
Qualification 10
Sat 1/28 -
11:37 AM
17235 MR. COD |
19417 Superstellar |
8755 E-Storm |
9224 Techno G.O.A.T.S. |
Qualification 11
Sat 1/28 -
11:41 AM
7974 Great Scott! |
14631 Laser Tech |
16310 Rising Rhinobots |
Qualification 12
Sat 1/28 -
11:46 AM
6985 Droid Rage Rewired |
16001 Robo Dons |
16460 GEarheads |
13201 Team Hazmat |
Qualification 13
Sat 1/28 -
11:51 AM
17322 ML Spartronics |
19796 Outside the BOTS |
22548 Attack Hamsterz |
21737 Green Eggs and Program |
Qualification 14
Sat 1/28 -
1:06 PM
16252 Ruh-Roh Robotics |
8755 E-Storm |
13828 Java Jokers |
22672 Absolute Hack |
Qualification 15
Sat 1/28 -
1:10 PM
11353 Lightning Robotics |
9224 Techno G.O.A.T.S. |
7974 Great Scott! |
22526 FSA Gear Grinders |
Qualification 16
Sat 1/28 -
1:14 PM
21385 Nuclear Fishin' |
14631 Laser Tech |
16001 Robo Dons |
16460 GEarheads |
Qualification 17
Sat 1/28 -
1:24 PM
6985 Droid Rage Rewired |
16310 Rising Rhinobots |
21867 Door of Hope |
19417 Superstellar |
Qualification 18
Sat 1/28 -
1:28 PM
13201 Team Hazmat |
4116 Volta Robotics |
17235 MR. COD |
Qualification 19
Sat 1/28 -
1:33 PM
19796 Outside the BOTS |
13828 Java Jokers |
7974 Great Scott! |
9224 Techno G.O.A.T.S. |
Qualification 20
Sat 1/28 -
1:38 PM
16460 GEarheads |
22548 Attack Hamsterz |
11353 Lightning Robotics |
8755 E-Storm |
Qualification 21
Sat 1/28 -
1:42 PM
19417 Superstellar |
16252 Ruh-Roh Robotics |
21737 Green Eggs and Program |
16001 Robo Dons |
Qualification 22
Sat 1/28 -
1:46 PM
17235 MR. COD |
14631 Laser Tech |
4116 Volta Robotics |
21867 Door of Hope |
Qualification 23
Sat 1/28 -
1:50 PM
16310 Rising Rhinobots |
22672 Absolute Hack |
13201 Team Hazmat |
21385 Nuclear Fishin' |
Qualification 24
Sat 1/28 -
1:54 PM
22526 FSA Gear Grinders |
17322 ML Spartronics |
6985 Droid Rage Rewired |
Qualification 25
Sat 1/28 -
2:00 PM
9224 Techno G.O.A.T.S. |
19796 Outside the BOTS |
16252 Ruh-Roh Robotics |
16460 GEarheads |
Qualification 26
Sat 1/28 -
2:05 PM
16001 Robo Dons |
22548 Attack Hamsterz |
7974 Great Scott! |
4116 Volta Robotics |
Qualification 27
Sat 1/28 -
2:11 PM
22672 Absolute Hack |
19417 Superstellar |
14631 Laser Tech |
11353 Lightning Robotics |
Qualification 28
Sat 1/28 -
2:16 PM
13828 Java Jokers |
16310 Rising Rhinobots |
17235 MR. COD |
6985 Droid Rage Rewired |
Qualification 29
Sat 1/28 -
2:21 PM
13201 Team Hazmat |
21867 Door of Hope |
17322 ML Spartronics |
22526 FSA Gear Grinders |
Qualification 30
Sat 1/28 -
2:25 PM
21385 Nuclear Fishin' |
21737 Green Eggs and Program |
8755 E-Storm |