League Information
League Code NR1
Location Bucharest
Teams 58
Region Romania
These Rankings reflect only League Meets. Visit a League Tournament's page to view Rankings that include its Qualification Matches.
Average RP
Average TBP1
Average TBP2
High Score
Matches Played
1 19049 2.00 85.90 62.00 312 10-0-0 18
2 16166 2.00 79.30 48.00 312 10-0-0 18
3 19176 2.00 71.20 55.50 311 10-0-0 18
4 15972 2.00 67.30 52.00 272 10-0-0 18
5 18160 2.00 65.70 34.50 283 10-0-0 18
6 19072 2.00 63.90 28.50 197 10-0-0 18
7 17962 2.00 54.30 38.00 301 10-0-0 18
8 15993 2.00 54.30 18.50 200 10-0-0 18
9 23203 2.00 53.60 48.50 245 10-0-0 18
10 19099 2.00 51.80 28.00 245 10-0-0 18
11 19098 2.00 51.20 32.00 301 10-0-0 18
12 19141 2.00 50.40 34.00 179 10-0-0 18
13 19117 2.00 50.30 46.50 232 10-0-0 18
14 24269 2.00 50.20 37.50 283 10-0-0 18
15 19055 2.00 49.00 52.50 205 10-0-0 18
16 19063 2.00 41.50 40.00 221 10-0-0 18
17 24266 2.00 40.60 36.00 200 10-0-0 18
18 22084 2.00 38.10 15.00 157 10-0-0 18
19 21071 2.00 30.60 29.50 158 10-0-0 18
20 24637 2.00 30.40 46.50 245 10-0-0 18
21 19112 2.00 14.30 20.50 147 10-0-0 18
22 14270 1.80 36.30 29.00 200 9-1-0 18
23 19096 1.80 30.80 22.00 150 9-1-0 18
24 23473 1.80 30.00 33.50 181 9-1-0 18
25 22552 1.80 29.20 25.00 194 9-1-0 18
26 19116 1.60 37.60 34.00 181 8-2-0 18
27 17869 1.60 19.50 22.00 181 8-2-0 18
28 19084 1.40 36.00 22.50 204 7-3-0 18
29 19054 1.40 34.50 29.00 168 7-3-0 24
30 19151 1.40 34.20 19.50 189 7-3-0 18
31 19131 1.40 32.00 25.50 219 7-3-0 18
32 15989 1.40 31.80 21.50 180 7-3-0 18
33 19082 1.40 25.90 25.00 226 7-3-0 18
34 19059 1.40 22.60 16.00 192 7-3-0 18
35 19103 1.40 21.50 20.50 126 7-3-0 18
36 23220 1.20 59.00 32.00 212 6-4-0 18
37 20925 1.20 29.10 23.00 167 6-4-0 18
38 20691 1.20 22.10 16.50 181 6-4-0 18
39 24345 1.10 15.90 18.00 109 5-4-1 12
40 19090 1.00 37.30 25.00 163 5-5-0 18
41 14277 1.00 30.80 24.00 171 5-5-0 12
42 19075 1.00 21.00 42.00 163 5-5-0 18
43 15991 0.90 26.30 19.00 160 4-5-1 18
44 24530 0.80 32.30 27.00 182 4-6-0 18
45 19128 0.80 15.10 6.00 134 4-2-0 6
46 24964 0.60 34.30 21.00 155 3-7-0 18
47 19062 0.60 32.10 11.50 128 3-7-0 18
48 22226 0.60 24.70 10.00 119 3-7-0 18
49 21476 0.60 15.30 10.00 81 3-7-0 12
50 19064 0.50 14.50 18.50 154 2-7-1 12
51 21169 0.40 18.00 9.50 102 2-4-0 6
52 22390 0.40 4.80 2.00 42 2-4-0 6
53 17624 0.20 10.00 8.50 118 1-5-0 6

League rankings are always averaged based on 10 matches, regardless of the number played.
RONR1M1 RO BUCURESTI - 070000 - infO(1)Robotics #15993 & Ro2D2 #17962 Ploiesti, PH, Romania 11/24/23 - 11/26/23
RONR1M2 RO BUCURESTI - 070000 - H-tech | Ro106 | 19099 Bucuresti, B, Romania 12/2/23
RONR1M4 RO BUCURESTI - 070000 - TehnoZ, WATT`s UP, Space Otters, TehnoZ Junior PITESTI, AG, Romania 12/8/23 - 12/9/23
RONR1M3 RO BUCURESTI - 070000 - Robo-Sapiens | RO_016 |19117, Clockworks | RO_108 | 19075 BUCURESTI, B, Romania 12/15/23 - 12/16/23
RONR1M11 RO Bucuresti 070000 - ERCAST & Phantom & Underconstruction & infO(1)Robotics Ploiesti, PH, Romania 12/17/23
RONR1M10 RO BUCURESTI - 070000 - Eastern Foxes RO_181 & Space Otters RO_129 PLOIESTI, PH, Romania 1/5/24 - 1/6/24
RONR1M9 RO BUCURESTI - 070000 - Ignite. # 17624 BUCURESTI, B, Romania 1/5/24 - 1/6/24
RONR1M6 RO BUCURESTI - 070000 - HighFive Robotics, 4D-ROBOTICS, Light Bulb Robotics, Broboți PITESTI, AG, Romania 1/12/24 - 1/13/24
RONR1M5 RO BUCURESTI - 070000 - TITANS #19055 & BraveBots #19141 BUCURESTI, B, Romania 1/12/24 - 1/13/24
RONR1M12 RO Bucuresti 070000- TehnoZ | 15972 & Renaissance Robotics | 22226 BUCHAREST, B, Romania 1/13/24 - 1/14/24
RONR1M8 RO BUCURESTI - 070000 - H-tech #19099 & Andromeda # 20691 BUCURESTI, B, Romania 1/19/24 - 1/20/24
RONR1M7 RO BUCURESTI - 070000 - Qube. #14277 BUCURESTI, B, Romania 1/20/24
RONR1LT RO #1BUCURESTI 070000 Bucuresti, B, Romania 1/25/24 - 1/28/24
RONR1M13 RO BUCHAREST 070000 - NATIE Bucuresti, B, Romania 1/25/24 - 1/27/24
14270 Quantum Robotics Bucharest, B, Romania
14277 QUBE. Bucharest, B, Romania
15972 TehnoZ Pitesti, AG, Romania
15989 RoboTitans București, B, Romania
15991 Gamma București, B, Romania
15993 infO(1)Robotics Ploiești, PH, Romania
16166 Watt'S Up Campulung, AG, Romania
17624 IGNITE. Bucuresti, B, Romania
17869 ERcast2020 Ploiesti, PH, Romania
17962 Ro2D2 PLOIESTI, PH, Romania
18160 4D-Robotics Pitesti, AG, Romania
19049 High Five Pitesti, AG, Romania
19054 NeuroBotix Bucuresti, Sector 2, B, Romania
19055 TITANS Bucuresti, B, Romania
19059 ArtRobotix Slobozia, IL, Romania
19062 Phantom Robotics Targoviste, DB, Romania
19063 UnderConstruction Targoviste, DB, Romania
19064 Dragonic Force Medgidia, CT, Romania
19072 TehnoZ Junior Pitesti, AG, Romania
19075 Clockworks Bucharest, B, Romania
19082 RoboAS Brasov, BV, Romania
19084 Zenith Bucharest, B, Romania
19090 TEHROCUZ RO 067 Slobozia, IL, Romania
19096 DanubeRobotics Calarasi, CL, Romania
19098 Eastern Foxes Ploiesti, PH, Romania
19099 H-tech Bucuresti, Sector 4, B, Romania
19103 Kronbot Brasov, BV, Romania
19112 UNDEFINED Campina, PH, Romania
19116 VV Robots Curtea de Argeș, AG, Romania
19117 Robo-Sapiens Bucuresti, B, Romania
19128 RoboDac Dacia Pitesti, AG, Romania
19131 Evolution Slobozia, IL, Romania
19141 BraveBots Ploiesti, PH, Romania
19151 TECHNO-MAISTER Mioveni, AG, Romania
19176 Broboți Pitesti, AG, Romania
20691 Andromeda Bucharest, B, Romania
20925 HYPERCUBE București, B, Romania
21050 MasterMinds Bucharest, B, Romania
21071 SkyLine Târgoviște, DB, Romania
21073 November Eleven Urziceni, IL, Romania
21169 CyberLions Urlați, PH, Romania
21476 ViCyber Bucharest, B, Romania
22084 RNS Bucharest, B, Romania
22226 Renaissance Robotics Bucharest, B, Romania
22390 Black Feather Sacele, BV, Romania
22552 ToTheStars Robotics Ploiesti, PH, Romania
23203 Light Bulb Robotics Pitesti, AG, Romania
23220 Space Otters Pitesti, AG, Romania
23473 Helios Robotics Bucuresti, B, Romania
24155 BlueSpace Bucuresti, B, Romania
24266 VIP Bucharest, B, Romania
24269 DEJA VU Bucharest, B, Romania
24374 AquaTech Robotics Constanta, CT, Romania
24530 ElectroB0tics Curtea de arges, AG, Romania
24637 Black Phantoms Targoviste, DB, Romania
24964 ORION ROBOTIX Bucuresti, B, Romania