
High Score
1 23423 Fire On The Mountain 23423 2.00 18.60 9.60 232 5-0-0 5
2 7083 TundraBots 7083 1.80 11.60 7.20 181 4-0-1 5
3 24432 Cyber Savants 24432 1.60 22.80 14.40 207 4-1-0 5
4 9581 Techno Tigers 9581 1.40 9.20 10.20 137 3-1-1 5
5 24260 Out Of the Blue 24260 1.20 15.20 16.80 232 3-2-0 5
6 27240 SWIFT Subaquatic Sea Goats 27240 1.20 6.80 3.00 103 3-2-0 5
7 15680 Skynet 15680 1.00 11.20 7.20 99 2-2-1 5
8 21490 The Boltiverse 21490 0.80 17.80 19.20 118 2-3-0 5
9 23303 Metallica 23303 0.80 14.40 4.20 153 2-3-0 5
10 13735 ∏∆S (PiRates) 13735 0.80 6.80 1.80 157 2-3-0 5
11 21869 Mecha Masters 21869 0.80 6.00 4.20 127 2-3-0 5
12 21734 Till the Wheels Fall Off 21734 0.80 3.80 6.60 112 2-3-0 5
13 22733 Cyber Paws 22733 0.60 16.40 1.80 111 1-3-1 5
14 18251 Low Battery 18251 0.40 12.00 3.00 97 1-4-0 5
15 11528 Bots of Prey 11528 0.40 10.20 16.20 207 1-4-0 5
16 21724 Pitt Parrots 21724 0.40 5.20 0.60 113 1-4-0 5
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