Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the OH Van Wert Qualifier can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Event Code USOHVWQ
Dates Event Approaching (Week 22 since kickoff)
Friday, February 7 to Saturday, 08 February 2025
Team Capacity 24
Venue Van Wert High School
10708 St. Rt. 118 South
Van Wert, OH USA
Region Ohio
Volunteer Register to volunteer for this event
Event Results

Match Participants 32
Number Name
4360 Raider Robotics
4969 Robot-X
5140 WACO Aerobotics
5501 VW Robotics
6298 Tech Titans
7136 Higgs Bosons
9828 Ultron Unit
9952 CHCA Beak Squad 7-8
10084 Team Calamari
10464 The Bionic Tigers
11781 MVS Rambotics
12099 Stars of the Galaxy
12166 New Bremen Techno Birds
12802 We Will Bot You
13020 Golden Tiercelet
14174 Cougar Robotics
14279 FLRC - Circuit Breakers
16449 Juniper Robotics
19778 Wire Monkeys
20197 OZone Z
21815 RoboWarriors 2.0
21865 Fe2O3
22483 OZone Y
22858 Team Flying Sausers
23698 Hardin Northern Robo Bears
23764 Titans of Aurora
23884 Mg
25757 ROTFL Stingrays
27125 OZone X
27151 Tech Novas
28194 BLMS FTC
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