Qualification 1
Sat 2/1 -
11:26 AM
17658 Wildcat Robotics |
8626 The Prototypes |
23913 Circuit Surfers |
10577 Thunder Chicks |
Qualification 2
Sat 2/1 -
11:32 AM
26542 Apex Genesis |
23434 Cristo Rey Dallas Robotics |
15373 Iron Core |
20347 CLANK |
Qualification 3
Sat 2/1 -
11:37 AM
26603 Retro Raiders |
24290 RoboRulers |
25801 Jagwire Techs |
28144 Newman Cedar Hill High School |
Qualification 4
Sat 2/1 -
11:42 AM
8811 Robo*Bison Amistad |
27013 Wire Cats |
22008 RoboBison Knowledge |
20410 Scubats |
Qualification 5
Sat 2/1 -
11:48 AM
26644 GearMinds Tech Team |
6832 Iron Reign |
3734 Iron Giant |
22344 Catfish |
Qualification 6
Sat 2/1 -
11:55 AM
23381 The Marksmen |
15372 ThunderChicksTambién |
21834 EPIC Adventurer |
13783 ThunderChicksToo |
Qualification 7
Sat 2/1 -
12:00 PM
26603 Retro Raiders |
23778 Itkan Robotics of ICQC |
27013 Wire Cats |
23913 Circuit Surfers |
Qualification 8
Sat 2/1 -
12:10 PM
3734 Iron Giant |
17658 Wildcat Robotics |
26542 Apex Genesis |
24290 RoboRulers |
Qualification 9
Sat 2/1 -
12:14 PM
28144 Newman Cedar Hill High School |
15373 Iron Core |
10577 Thunder Chicks |
13783 ThunderChicksToo |
Qualification 10
Sat 2/1 -
12:18 PM
8626 The Prototypes |
22008 RoboBison Knowledge |
23434 Cristo Rey Dallas Robotics |
26644 GearMinds Tech Team |
Qualification 11
Sat 2/1 -
12:24 PM
23778 Itkan Robotics of ICQC |
25801 Jagwire Techs |
8811 Robo*Bison Amistad |
23381 The Marksmen |
Qualification 12
Sat 2/1 -
12:29 PM
6832 Iron Reign |
21834 EPIC Adventurer |
20410 Scubats |
20347 CLANK |
Qualification 13
Sat 2/1 -
1:07 PM
22344 Catfish |
26603 Retro Raiders |
15372 ThunderChicksTambién |
23434 Cristo Rey Dallas Robotics |
Qualification 14
Sat 2/1 -
1:11 PM
15373 Iron Core |
23381 The Marksmen |
27013 Wire Cats |
8626 The Prototypes |
Qualification 15
Sat 2/1 -
1:19 PM
28144 Newman Cedar Hill High School |
17658 Wildcat Robotics |
3734 Iron Giant |
21834 EPIC Adventurer |
Qualification 16
Sat 2/1 -
1:24 PM
10577 Thunder Chicks |
8811 Robo*Bison Amistad |
20347 CLANK |
22344 Catfish |
Qualification 17
Sat 2/1 -
1:29 PM
13783 ThunderChicksToo |
20410 Scubats |
25801 Jagwire Techs |
26542 Apex Genesis |
Qualification 18
Sat 2/1 -
1:35 PM
15372 ThunderChicksTambién |
26644 GearMinds Tech Team |
24290 RoboRulers |
23913 Circuit Surfers |
Qualification 19
Sat 2/1 -
1:38 PM
22008 RoboBison Knowledge |
6832 Iron Reign |
23778 Itkan Robotics of ICQC |
28144 Newman Cedar Hill High School |
Qualification 20
Sat 2/1 -
1:45 PM
27013 Wire Cats |
26542 Apex Genesis |
22344 Catfish |
21834 EPIC Adventurer |
Qualification 21
Sat 2/1 -
1:48 PM
10577 Thunder Chicks |
25801 Jagwire Techs |
23434 Cristo Rey Dallas Robotics |
3734 Iron Giant |
Qualification 22
Sat 2/1 -
1:54 PM
20347 CLANK |
22008 RoboBison Knowledge |
23381 The Marksmen |
24290 RoboRulers |
Qualification 23
Sat 2/1 -
2:04 PM
23913 Circuit Surfers |
6832 Iron Reign |
8811 Robo*Bison Amistad |
13783 ThunderChicksToo |
Qualification 24
Sat 2/1 -
2:09 PM
15373 Iron Core |
26603 Retro Raiders |
17658 Wildcat Robotics |
26644 GearMinds Tech Team |
Qualification 25
Sat 2/1 -
2:14 PM
20410 Scubats |
15372 ThunderChicksTambién |
8626 The Prototypes |
23778 Itkan Robotics of ICQC |
Qualification 26
Sat 2/1 -
2:20 PM
24290 RoboRulers |
23434 Cristo Rey Dallas Robotics |
6832 Iron Reign |
27013 Wire Cats |
Qualification 27
Sat 2/1 -
2:26 PM
13783 ThunderChicksToo |
3734 Iron Giant |
26603 Retro Raiders |
20347 CLANK |
Qualification 28
Sat 2/1 -
2:33 PM
26542 Apex Genesis |
28144 Newman Cedar Hill High School |
8626 The Prototypes |
8811 Robo*Bison Amistad |
Qualification 29
Sat 2/1 -
2:40 PM
21834 EPIC Adventurer |
23778 Itkan Robotics of ICQC |
26644 GearMinds Tech Team |
10577 Thunder Chicks |
Qualification 30
Sat 2/1 -
2:45 PM
25801 Jagwire Techs |
15372 ThunderChicksTambién |
17658 Wildcat Robotics |
22008 RoboBison Knowledge |
Qualification 31
Sat 2/1 -
2:50 PM
20410 Scubats |
23913 Circuit Surfers |
22344 Catfish |
15373 Iron Core |
Qualification 32
Sat 2/1 -
2:55 PM
23381 The Marksmen |
8626 The Prototypes |
6832 Iron Reign |
26603 Retro Raiders |
Qualification 33
Sat 2/1 -
3:02 PM
20347 CLANK |
27013 Wire Cats |
26644 GearMinds Tech Team |
25801 Jagwire Techs |
Qualification 34
Sat 2/1 -
3:06 PM
23913 Circuit Surfers |
26542 Apex Genesis |
22008 RoboBison Knowledge |
10577 Thunder Chicks |
Qualification 35
Sat 2/1 -
3:11 PM
15373 Iron Core |
8811 Robo*Bison Amistad |
15372 ThunderChicksTambién |
3734 Iron Giant |
Qualification 36
Sat 2/1 -
3:17 PM
23434 Cristo Rey Dallas Robotics |
20410 Scubats |
28144 Newman Cedar Hill High School |
23381 The Marksmen |
Qualification 37
Sat 2/1 -
3:25 PM
13783 ThunderChicksToo |
22344 Catfish |
23778 Itkan Robotics of ICQC |
17658 Wildcat Robotics |
Qualification 38
Sat 2/1 -
3:32 PM
21834 EPIC Adventurer |
8626 The Prototypes |
24290 RoboRulers |
15373 Iron Core |