Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the Sunset Coast Splash FTC Qualifier can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Event Code 19MIQT20
Dates Event Complete (Week 13 since kickoff)
Friday, December 6 to Saturday, 07 December 2019
Venue Coloma High School
300 W. Joseph St.
Coloma, MI USA
Region Michigan - FiM
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below. In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
Match Participants 36
Number Name
5290 Steel Eagles
5385 Enigma Riddlers
8513 Joe Bots - Maize
9376 LMS Lancers
9855 Mattawan RoboKats - 9855
10136 Frost RoboFalcons White
10477 Rapid Robots
11129 Novi Robotitans #11129
11254 Robo Rhinos
11714 Burr Oak BossCats
11786 2PawsRoboticsJr
11846 Wayland Wildcat Cat-a-Tech-Nics
11855 Joe Bots - Blue
12068 Team Kraken
12101 Robovikes
12678 Mattawan RoboKats - 12678
12746 Team C.A.T. (Coding And Technology) - Delton Kellogg Middle School
13021 Allegan Middle School Robotics - Orange
13513 Rangears
13527 Lakeshore Middle School 2
13702 Joe Bots - White
13767 Code Warriors
14229 Power Rangers
14634 JuniorEagles
15045 The Tech Cubs
15322 Bosscats 2.0
15344 The ROCK MonsterZ
15406 2 Paw Robotics Jr 2
15409 Lawrence Tigers
15428 Allegan Middle School Robotics - Black
15510 Pioneer Robotics
16204 GOATageddon
16220 Forged Fury
16464 That OTHER Team Re-Launched
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