Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the 2019-2020 MN FTC Stratasys State Championship can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Event Code 63707970587.8573
Dates Event Complete (Week 22 since kickoff)
Friday, February 7 to Saturday, 08 February 2020
Venue Washington Technology Magnet School
1495 Rice Street
St. Paul, MN USA
Region Minnesota
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below. In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
Match Participants 48
Number Name
3385 King Pins
3763 Piece of Cake
4644 Robotic Adrenaline
6369 Designosaurs
6708 Sour Patch Kids
7588 The PRIDE
7896 Royal Screw-Ups
8438 Quantum Leap
8962 TimeCrafters
9205 Iron Maidens
9258 Can I have a cookie Mom?
9359 The Nerd Herd
9415 #9415 Wrench Dressing
9459 Hephaestus
9972 Iron Gears
10238 TigerBots
10272 Titanium Allies
10273 Cat in The Hat Comes Back
10364 Time Pilots
10430 Wiring Warriors
10733 Capitol Hill FTC
11117 Autonomice
11150 Thunder PengWin Robotics Team
11190 MechaDojo
11299 CrushBots
11301 Mustang Gear Gang
11488 Solid
12528 NextGen
12586 Chain Reaction
12649 Code Blooded
12735 CAATS
12886 The LaGrange Points
12943 Qbitz
13018 The Wright Stuff
13243 Confidential Robotics
13247 RPM Robotics
13623 Iron Tacos
14188 CyberHawks
14333 Anonobots
14556 Tactical Tech Tomato Turtles
14696 Rocket Boiz
14779 Spontaneous Construction
15264 LP BullBots
15295 WARP1
16539 Aluminum Warriors
17178 Byron X-Bots
17221 High Voltage
17287 My Favorite Team
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