Inspire Award
8365 |
Morgan Stanley/Tan Engineering/MasterFit/Bloomberg/BABS of JAMFAM/Law firm of Stephen G. James&Family/Community |
Inspire Award 2nd Place
4174 |
Atomic Theory
Dalton School |
Top Ranked
8365 |
Morgan Stanley/Tan Engineering/MasterFit/Bloomberg/BABS of JAMFAM/Law firm of Stephen G. James&Family/Community |
Top Ranked 2nd Place
2897 |
Bearly Awake
Garrison Forest School |
Top Ranked 3rd Place
6051 |
Quantum Mechanics
Dalton School |
Top Ranked 4th Place
4174 |
Atomic Theory
Dalton School |
Think Award
2897 |
Bearly Awake
Garrison Forest School |
Think Award 2nd Place
8365 |
Morgan Stanley/Tan Engineering/MasterFit/Bloomberg/BABS of JAMFAM/Law firm of Stephen G. James&Family/Community |
Think Award 3rd Place
4174 |
Atomic Theory
Dalton School |
Connect Award
4174 |
Atomic Theory
Dalton School |
Connect Award 2nd Place
6051 |
Quantum Mechanics
Dalton School |
Connect Award 3rd Place
14405 |
CAP Crusaders
Civil Air Patrol |
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award
10539 |
the Browning School |
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 2nd Place
8365 |
Morgan Stanley/Tan Engineering/MasterFit/Bloomberg/BABS of JAMFAM/Law firm of Stephen G. James&Family/Community |
Collins Aerospace Innovate Award 3rd Place
13029 |
Uncommon Charter High School |
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
6051 |
Quantum Mechanics
Dalton School |
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
8365 |
Morgan Stanley/Tan Engineering/MasterFit/Bloomberg/BABS of JAMFAM/Law firm of Stephen G. James&Family/Community |
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
17126 |
Natural Selection
Dalton School |
Motivate Award
4326 |
Basement Lions
Horace Mann Mid Upper School |
Motivate Award 2nd Place
14803 |
Loyola School |
Motivate Award 3rd Place
4174 |
Atomic Theory
Dalton School |
Design Award
14405 |
CAP Crusaders
Civil Air Patrol |
Design Award 2nd Place
4174 |
Atomic Theory
Dalton School |
Design Award 3rd Place
14803 |
Loyola School |