Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the TX-Central Buc Days 2023 Robot Rodeo can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Dates Event Complete (Week 35 since kickoff)
Saturday, May 13 to Saturday, 13 May 2023
Venue American Bank Building
1900 Shoreline Blvd
Corpus Christi, TX USA
Region Texas - Central
Website https://firstintexas.org/event/bd23/
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below. In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
Match Participants 38
Number Name
4902 Team Novabots
5188 Team Phoenix
5243 Team Griffin
6901 Droid Rage - Phantom
9923 Team AAA
10862 Droid Rage - Nebula
11924 Martin Robots
12202 Gaga for Robots
12302 G-P Robotics: Synergy
12928 LightSaders
12977 Rust In Peace
13109 Team Koopa
13266 Droid Rage - Apex
13744 Enginerds
13833 Deep Space Dolphins
13893 Team BeSST-13893
15221 Astro Hawks
15654 Nanoknights
15703 Teen Tech Titans
15725 G-P Robotics: Dissension
16377 Spicy Ketchup
16458 TechnoWizards
16555 Deus ex Maquina
16556 Steminists
16597 Fulminata
16828 G-P Robotics: Fusion
16831 G-P Robotics: Entropy
16832 G-P Robotics: Unity
17229 The Scouts
17329 Team Stingray Dynamics
18458 Battery Chargerz
18738 Moon Mechanics
18908 Mighty Hawks
19412 Archytas
19746 The Disruptingly Robocephalic BrainSTEM Robotics Team
21352 Team FireBots
21879 Checkmate
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