Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the Quebec Défi Techno FIRST - Festival de robotique - Championnat provincial can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Event Code CAQCCMP
Dates Event Complete (Week 27 since kickoff)
Saturday, March 16 to Saturday, 16 March 2024
Venue École secondaire Jeanne-Mance
4240 Rue de Bordeaux
Montréal, QC Canada
Region Québec
Website https://robotiquefirstquebec.org/nos-evenements/
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below. In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
Match Participants 33
Number Name
18013 Cuivre & Or
18017 Pionniers
20267 Gravity
20268 Actinium 450 team 2
20270 Technomatrix
20272 Express-O
20273 TechnoDynamo
20274 Spartiates
20277 Tornades Chasers
20278 Neurobots #1
20279 Les Dragons
20280 Scarabot
20281 les LOUPS
20761 Evolution 2
21397 Sonic Rover
21421 Eternity
21755 Les Algorithmes
21756 Cappuccin-O
21758 Ookpik
21760 Tech Master
22319 Scarabetter
22354 Technomaniacs
22611 Actinium 450 team 3
22838 Alpha Lab
24389 Calypso
24390 Chaos
24461 Automates
24522 MécaDucks
24698 Actinium 450 team 1
24733 Neurobots #2
24842 Phénix
24867 Husky
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