Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the VA Remote Event 2 can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Event Code USCHSRIQ2
Dates Event Complete (Week 20 since kickoff)
Monday, January 31 to Sunday, 06 February 2022
Submission Window
Mon, Jan 31 12:00 AM to Mon, Feb 7 12:00 AM
Region Chesapeake
Website https://events.firstchesapeake.org/
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below. In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
Match Participants 35
Number Name
2897 Bearly Awake
5086 Tutu Turtles
5225 SFS Robotics
5527 Dynamic GEARS
6390 Falcons
7080 BACON
7631 SFS Rookies
9450 Falcons FIRST
9667 Bullis Robotics
11215 CheckSum
11534 Bot Brigade Quartic
11695 DéJàva
12096 Absolute Zero
12342 Pallotti High School - 007 Robotics
14607 Robot Uprising
15664 G2C2
16067 Retronic Lions
16502 S.W.A.T.
16598 Fairfax Roarbotics
16809 Tech Tigers
16829 Radioactive
16943 CyberDogs
17037 MoCoS.T.U.D.S.
17394 Howard Robotics
17709 Bulldogs Tech
18264 TheElectronovas
18305 Singularity
18606 Masketeers
19434 Redstone Mechanics
19753 StarStruck
19876 N-1
20124 Epsilon
20342 BACON 20342
20380 Borikengineers