Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the North Carolina FTC State Championship can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Event Code USNCCMP
Live Stream URL TBD
Dates Event Complete (Week 23 since kickoff)
Saturday, February 18 to Saturday, 18 February 2023
Venue Southern Guilford High School
5700 Drake Rd
Greensboro, NC USA
Region North Carolina
Website https://www.ncfllandftc.com/
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below. In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
Match Participants 36
731 Wannabee Strange
2827 Artificial Stupidity
2901 Purple Gears
5064 Aperture Science
5309 Plan B
5795 Back To The Drawing Board
6078 Cut the Red Wire
6183 Thunderducks
7105 SWIFT Intergalactic Space Llamas
7444 Sisters of the Motherboard
8300 Pi Rho Eagles
8569 RoboKnights
9581 Automated Admiralty
10195 Night Owls
11424 Batteries Not Included
11528 Bots of Prey
14200 WASP - 12B
15707 Bots by the Creek
15830 SWIFT Subaquatic Sea Kraken
16072 Quantum Quacks
16328 Trial n' Error
16447 Mechanical Maniacs
16461 Infinite Turtles
16582 The Iron Dragons
18994 SWIFT Subterranean Sand Sharks
19410 Entropic Fluctuations
19768 Overclocked
19921 Space Invaders
20428 South Iredell High School - FUSE
20434 Binding Energy
21351 Cybotz
21502 Bionic Bulldogs
21734 Till the Wheels Fall Off
21836 Marvels of IAR
21910 Marvels of MAS-AIC
22377 SigmaCorns
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