Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the Georgia State Championship can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Event Code 2019GACMP
Dates Event Complete (Week 24 since kickoff)
Friday, February 21 to Saturday, 22 February 2020
Venue Cobb County Civic Center
548 South Marietta Pkwy SE
Marietta, GA USA
Region Georgia
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below. In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
Match Participants 48
Number Name
22 100 Scholars
112 RoboKnights of the Round Table - Silver
2858 Sparbots, FTC Green
4100 Darbots 1
4221 Smíða Syndicate
4327 Silver Titans
4631 Firewires
5161 Eaglemaniacs
5898 Galactic Lions
6278 RoboGlads
6988 CyberStingers Gold
7373 Eagle Robotics - Carbon Fiber
7673 Dragons & Tiaras
9785 Cronos
10072 Pixelate Silver
10219 Batteries Not Included
10537 Brobotix
11127 Whitefield Robotics
11347 The CircuitRunners - Black
11364 Eagle Robotics - Diamond Plate
11562 Universal Robotics
12212 SpartaBots I
12762 Tech Titans
12769 Rebellion Engineering
12961 Checkmate
12995 SASH
14116 Walker - Information Overload
14264 Somewhat Productive
14393 Packer Robotics
14419 Robo Riders
14470 Cascade Robotics
14682 Gears & Spears
14821 Cactus Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.)
14891 AR: Quicksilver
14892 AR: Venom
14943 Weber RamBots
15173 Robotic Eagles
15290 RoboKnights of the Round Table - Navy
15500 Pixelate Gold
16500 DTZT 2
16633 Bots in Black
16804 AR: Pym Robotics
16934 CSP Team Ecliptic
17005 SAE Dragonbots
17173 CHS Space Devils
17456 Atlantis
17694 The Norse Awakens
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