Inspire Award
8866 |
Frederick High School |
Inspire Award 2nd Place
7506 |
System Overload
Frederick High School |
Inspire Award 3rd Place
4250 |
NDEP&Neighborhood Group |
Winning Alliance - Captain
19668 |
Home School |
Winning Alliance - 1st Team Selected
12766 |
Cadet Manufacturing/Ben Miller Construction/C&M Supply&Chouteau High School |
Winning Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
18802 |
Robo Renegades
Family/Community |
Finalist Alliance - Captain
4250 |
NDEP&Neighborhood Group |
Finalist Alliance - 1st Team Selected
8866 |
Frederick High School |
Finalist Alliance - 2nd Team Selected
13709 |
Null Sector
Coleman School |
Think Award
4250 |
NDEP&Neighborhood Group |
Think Award 2nd Place
5967 |
Hornet Heroes
Holt Trailer Asher Oklhoma/Kenneth and Floretta Wallgren/Macomb Public Schools&Macomb High School |
Connect Award
10368 |
The Level Ups
Blanchard High School |
Connect Award 2nd Place
18802 |
Robo Renegades
Family/Community |
Connect Award 3rd Place
4962 |
The Yale/Leavitt Signs/DoD STEM&Mt St Mary High School |
Innovate Award sponsored by Raytheon Technologies
7242 |
BC Robocats
Bridge Creek High School |
Innovate Award sponsored by Raytheon Technologies 2nd Place
14906 |
Leviathan Robotics
&4-H |
Innovate Award sponsored by Raytheon Technologies 3rd Place
19668 |
Home School |
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc.
10355 |
Project Peacock
4-H |
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 2nd Place
12766 |
Cadet Manufacturing/Ben Miller Construction/C&M Supply&Chouteau High School |
Control Award sponsored by Arm, Inc. 3rd Place
11572 |
Mouse Spit
Persimmon Group/OneOk/Phillips 66&4-H |
Motivate Award
11572 |
Mouse Spit
Persimmon Group/OneOk/Phillips 66&4-H |
Motivate Award 2nd Place
10355 |
Project Peacock
4-H |
Motivate Award 3rd Place
4266 |
Makin' Stuff Move
The Yale/Leavitt Signs/DoD STEM&Mt St Mary High School |
Design Award
7506 |
System Overload
Frederick High School |
Design Award 2nd Place
10355 |
Project Peacock
4-H |
Design Award 3rd Place
8866 |
Frederick High School |