Event Information

Event Information
Basic information about the Washington State Championship can be found in the chart below. All times and dates displayed here and on the event's individual result pages are local to the event.

Event Code USWACMP
Dates Event Complete (Week 20 since kickoff)
Friday, February 4 to Sunday, 06 February 2022
Venue Amazon Doppler Building
2021 7th Ave
Seattle, WA USA
Region Washington
Event Results
View official results from this event using either the buttons on the top of the screen, or below. In most cases, event results data is updated live throughout the event.
Match Participants 24
Number Name
3805 Atomic Robotics
5604 Thunderbots
5971 Brain Bots
6559 Geared Reaction
7462 Not to Scale
7759 Autonomous Prime
8099 Hanford Falcons
8628 Chickenados
8693 Scarabs
11109 Pirate Tekerz
11138 Robo Eclipse
11186 Mecha-Mules
11970 Titanium Talons
12611 TechNova
13601 BeaverBots
13648 Jankbot
14179 Sushi Squad
15110 Octo-Pi
16379 KookyBotz
16451 OlyBots - Foundation
16750 Technototes
16942 Minutemen
18225 High Definition
19708 The Emerald Bots